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An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
Everything Begins With An Idea.
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Navigating the Melbourne Property Market: When is the Right Time to Buy?
Navigating the Melbourne Property Market: When is the Right Time to Buy?
Are you considering buying a property in Melbourne but unsure about the right timing?
Ritika Goyal
Jun 15
The RBA’s Role in Managing Inflation: Interest Rate Policies and Their Impact on the Property…
The RBA’s Role in Managing Inflation: Interest Rate Policies and Their Impact on the Property…
Reducing Pressure on Prices
Ritika Goyal
Jun 17
The Impact of the US Dollar on Australia and Interest Rate Policies
The Impact of the US Dollar on Australia and Interest Rate Policies
US Interest Rate Increase -> Stronger USD/AUD -> Increased Import Costs -> Higher Inflation
Ritika Goyal
Jun 21
Australia’s Building Construction Materials: Supply Chains, Dependencies, and Their Impact on Real…
Australia’s Building Construction Materials: Supply Chains, Dependencies, and Their Impact on Real…
Australia relies heavily on imported building construction materials from various countries, significantly impacting the real estate…
Ritika Goyal
Jun 26
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Unanswered Prayers
Unanswered Prayers
Zahra Ali
Jun 15
It’s okay to feel sad
It’s okay to feel sad
Because dying is easy, stood-facing life and all the nonsense that surrounds it is not easy.
Lucas pinduca
Jun 15
In the Chronic Cave
In the Chronic Cave
To suffer well, build your rafts of thought and befriend your cave of flares.
Tricia Steele
Jun 15
How Fashion In Japan Changed My Own Perspectives
How Fashion In Japan Changed My Own Perspectives
To uniformly, given the aspects of my altercations of my choices of fashion trends.
Jun 15
Vieb, A Keyboard Oriented Web Browser
Vieb, A Keyboard Oriented Web Browser
pronounced “veeb” this is an electron based browser with sophisticated keyboard shortcuts It may especially appeal to vim users. Open…
C.A. Exline
Jun 15
Writing in Markdown may not be for everyone but it is probably worth a try
Writing in Markdown may not be for everyone but it is probably worth a try
Markdown can even be a good choice for novelists. Consider manuskript: it is similar to Scrivener. Markdown opens up new software options
C.A. Exline
Jun 15
The Expert’s Journey: 10 Steps to Professional Mastery
The Expert’s Journey: 10 Steps to Professional Mastery
In the journey to turn into the preeminent expert in your calling, one should embrace liability, enthusiasm, and a pledge to persistent…
J. A. Jackson Author
Jun 15
Unlock Your Potential: The Power of Habit Formation for Unstoppable Personal Growth
Unlock Your Potential: The Power of Habit Formation for Unstoppable Personal Growth
Robert Cacciatore
Jun 15
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