Top Stories published by an N of 1 in January of 2012

How to accuse your customers of fraud

UPDATED: Zipcar gave me a call; see the followup post.

This post brought you courtesy of the letter Z(ipcar).

So here’s the setup: traffic is bad on the bridge, so we call to say we might be a minute or two late…

An Unlikely Coincidence

I am one half of an unlikely “coincidence”.

Leslie Bradshaw runs JESS3, a rising star in digital agencies that specializes in graphical representations of complex ideas. She’s recognized by many as an up-and-comer, does press and wins awards, and is generally a…

How to apologize for accusing your customers of fraud

So the very next day after posting about Zipcar sending us the most bizarre customer service email ever, a very nice customer service manager named Brian gave me a call and mentioned he had read the blog post. After listening to the CSR…

Always add hours; never subtract them

I was sitting down with the folks from The Puppet Kitchen the other day to talk about business best practices and it came up that they basically always feel like they’re at 100% capacity, yet don’t have any time for things like new business development or shop…

an N of 1
thoughts from behavioral scientist Matt Wallaert
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