Finding A Rhythm

Karl Stelter
An Open Dream
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2015

I started my service game loose enough, jumping to a comfortable 40–15 lead — but then I started thinking about closing out the game. Thinking of the future. Which is of course EXACTLY how to blow a lead.


And then I played one of the best points in a long time:

I’m proud of this point for a few reasons in particular.

  • First, my biggest fear is double faulting, especially on a critical point. I had double faulted the TWO previous points because of a lack of focus, and a surge of nerves. I shrugged it off to play my best tennis of the day.
  • Second, I let go of trying to win the game, and just focused on winning the point. I hit more comfortably, and didn’t try to rush the point by going for too much. I went for controlled shots to set up successive shots, confident that I could win a longer point.
  • Third: I ended the point with a shot that I’ve been a little insecure about since returning to tennis 10 months ago: my volley. The moment I got to the net and he whacked a passing shot down the line I thought ‘shit — volley,’ but snapped that thought into ‘go for it’. Under pressure, I executed the best volley I’ve hit in decades.

I ended up coming back and winning that game after about 12 deuce points (no joke) — and I’m proud of myself for sticking to it and finding my groove. I still get tight when I play matches, especially at the beginning, but the more I play, the better I’ll get — and the more common points like this will become.



Karl Stelter
An Open Dream

Film Director. Writer. OverThinker. I ask life’s big questions, and believe we’re on a journey meant to be taken together.