Clean out the junk drawer

Sarah Campbell
An Organized Life
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2016

Let’s talk about your junk drawer. You know you have one in your place — you may call it something more that makes it seem more useful such as the “utility drawer”, but the bottom line is that it is often just junk!

And you may even have more than one drawer devoted to miscellany. For people who ask me where to get started in organizing and decluttering their space, this is an easy place to begin.

Steps to cleaning out your junk drawer

For starters, take EVERYTHING out of the drawer. Dump it out on the counter. Then thoughtfully evaluate each thing — ask yourself if:

  1. Is this item absolutely necessary to your life? If the answer is no, then toss it immediately.
  2. If necessary, is this the proper place to keep it? If the answer is no, then take it straightaway to wherever it would be better stored and put it where it belongs.
  3. So finally, if you think you really need this thing and you really need easy access to whatever it may be, then put it back in the drawer.

I have found all sorts of everything in people’s junk drawers over the years. This is the drawer where people often find missing bills and forgotten invitations. They sweep mail off the counter into the drawer one day when guests are coming over and then they forget about it until well past the bill’s due date or the invitation’s party date.

There are also usually a dozen ink pens/pencils, note pads, keys, glasses, glasses cases, makeup, tools, cords, phone chargers, coins, old phones, playing cards, take out menus……. well, you get the picture. Most of this stuff is not really necessary and has just gotten stuffed in the drawer to get it off the counter. You will be much better off if you truly evaluate each piece of detritus and (hopefully) just toss it and get it out of your life.

