Spring cleaning

Sarah Campbell
An Organized Life
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2015

If the warmer weather and longer days have you in the mood to do some intense house cleaning, once you are happy with the results there turn your attention to your garage if you have one. In the Carolinas, as in a lot of places, it gets so hot by the end of May that the last thing you want to do in the summer is clean out a garage.The milder days of spring are a great time to give that space a good once over.

Below is a re-print of an article written for this blog last year by Madison Aki on behalf of Total-Garage, Inc., a garage storage and organization company located in Charlotte. This is good advice and this is the perfect time of year to repeat it.

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Garage

We’re all aware of the term, “Spring Cleaning”. And quite honestly, it can send a surge of anxiety through my bones. However, if there is one time of the year where I am actually motivated to do some cleaning, and it’s when the seasons are changing from frigid to warm. One of the most important spaces to start is in the garage, especially considering that you’ll be using your outdoor equipment a lot more. Here are some tips to getting a jump-start on your garage organization.

  1. Plan

If you don’t set a specific afternoon to evening to get started on your garage, chances are, you’ll never get around to it. We all lead busy lives, and sometimes we need to write these things in our schedules.

  1. Compartmentalize

Here is where you get to have some fun. Make three piles: Keep, Throw Away, and Donate. Go through all of your old storage and decide where they belong. Don’t get too caught up in the sentiment of things; chances are, if you haven’t needed them all this time, you don’t need them now.

  1. Label

It’s smart to find some good plastic bins to protect your storage from water damage, but sometimes it’s hard to see what’s inside without opening it every time. Find some nice, removable labels that you can stick on the outside of your bins. It’ll save you time and look a lot more organized.

  1. Off the Ground

You’d be surprised how much space your garage can hold when you get everything off the ground. Invest in some garage shelving that allows you to place bins on top, while hanging tools and bikes underneath.

  1. Clean As You Go

When you’re going through your storage, don’t forget to wipe a rag over your shelving and sweep your floors. You’ll be able to see your efforts sooner!

Now is the best time to get started on your garage organization. Don’t forget to reward yourself after the job is done!

