Quit Letting Impossible Stop You

Life was meant to be lived to the full.

Michael Horner
An Ultra Life


Impossible is just a word if you choose. Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash

If I had a penny for every time somebody has said, “I can’t run as you do.”, I’d be a very wealthy person.

Running doesn’t take superhuman effort. It takes not letting what you think you can’t do stop you from starting.

I use running as an example, but kick that around a little bit and figure out what impossible you’re letting stop you from living life to the full.

Impossible is a limiting word, and I’d like to introduce you to some people that don’t let the impossible stop them.

People Who Don’t Let Impossible Stop Them

A vineyard in the desert? Impossible? Or possible if you choose. Photo by Pau Casals on Unsplash

Larry Chloupek is a childhood cancer survivor who traded a part of his body to keep on living. Instead of just giving up and living life as an amputee, Larry chose not to let the impossible stop him.

Larry learned to walk again, using one leg in tandem with two crutches, but he began running. He was never on any athletic teams through his education but stayed active by being a crew manager. One of his physical education teachers got him into running.



Michael Horner
An Ultra Life

Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mikehornern