Unusual Theories of How the Solar System Was Formed

Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials
11 min readApr 13, 2019


Why the Accretion Model Doesn’t Add Up

According to traditional views, our solar system was born when some other nearby star exploded, and the shockwave from that supernova caused the dust and gases within a nebula to compress and condense into the beginnings of our solar system. The heavier elements within the nebula had the most gravitational force, and they attracted other heavier elements, which in time collided into each other, and accreted into the solid planets, moons, and asteroids. The sun and the gas planets took a lot longer to form, but the conventional theory holds that they accreted in the same manner as the solid planets, and once they were completed, they were much larger than the solid planets, as a nebula contains a lot more gas than dust.

There are two problems with this theory. Despite it being the theory we were all taught in school, and in just about every documentary ever on the formation of the solar system, it has never been observed. We obviously can’t travel back in time to see how our own solar system formed, and we’ve yet to see another solar system forming within the range of our telescopes, so the accretion model remains unproven.

The second problem with the accretion model is that it is highly complex and highly unlikely. The physics of it only…



Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials

I've been a huge fan of sci-fi my whole life, but recently, I've come to realise that we live in a stranger universe than anything anyone's ever dreamed up.