Why ETs can’t save us from ourselves

Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials
6 min readMar 26, 2018

Many people ask: if most ETs are benevolent, and concerned about the direction the Earth’s heading in, why don’t they intervene, clean up our mess, and become our saviours?

There are two main reasons: spiritually evolved ETs consider that they don’t have the right to do that; and there are many on Earth who would misconstrue their intervention as an invasion.

This will come as a huge let down to many humans, but extraterrestrials cannot and will not force us to get our act together… we have to do it ourselves. I have seen this written by and said by various ET experts over and over… that ETs have the equivalent of a Federation of Planets (as in Star Trek), and, just as in Star Trek, there is a minimum requirement for joining the Federation (or real-life equivalent of it). In ST, you need warp drive to join… in real-life, the requirement is that you need to be at least a Level 1 Civilisation (out of 300 possible levels).

A Level 1 Civilisation does not despoil its environment, and the dominant species does not threaten other species with extinction, nor does it fight amongst itself. Clearly, we haven’t achieved this yet, making us a Level 0 Civilisation. Until we achieve Level 1, we will remain in the eyes of the ETs “a savage, barbaric, child-race” (a quote from Q, from Star Trek TNG), and much more trouble than we are worth.

ETs have their own version of the Prime Directive, from Star Trek, and it goes along the lines of: “we will not interfere in the development of a civilisation until it has reached at least Level 1.” Spiritually advanced ETs have no desire to be deified and worshipped — as the Annunaki were in our distant past (think Stargate: our ancestors had much the same relationship with the Annunaki as the ancient humans had with the Go’a’uld, except the Annunaki were more benevolent). But ETs in the Galactic Federation of Light don’t want to be worshipped… and this is a risk they would run if they were to take on the role of Saviours of Humanity. When they come, they want us to love and respect them, to be willing to learn from them: not worship them, and dependon them. If we don’t solve the worst of our problems ourselves: if they did it for us, then we might always think of them as having all the answers; and ourselves as being incapable of solving our own problems. In this scenario, we would turn to the ETs to solve all our problems for us, which would massively stunt our own spiritual, intellectual, and technological growth as a species. Our species is meant to find its own, unique, individual path: not follow the path laid down by another species, so that it might become a carbon copy of that species. The reasoning of the ETs in not saving us goes like this: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him once. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life.” The ETs want to teach us to fish for ourselves: not teach us to ask them for fish, until the end of time.

Then, there is the intervention vs. invasion problem. I always use the term ETs, rather than “aliens” in my writing, because when you say “alien” to me, I think of the xenomorphs from the Alien movies. In our culture, the word “alien” has become associated with monsters that are scary and evil… and this is by design of the Illuminati. Most humans have been conditioned, through our Illuminati-controlled media, to think of ETs as “aliens”. It would be ridiculous to suggest that every movie that depicts ETs as evil murderers or invaders is an Illuminati production: there are plenty of such movies whose purpose is merely to entertain, and whose directors have no ties to the Illuminati.

Nevertheless, the Illuminati have an agenda involving ETs, and it is twofold:

  1. Convince us ETs don’t exist, by suppressing and denying all evidence of them, and ridiculing anyone who claims to have evidence/direct experience of ETs.
  2. In the event that objective 1 fails, the Illuminati want to condition us to hate and fear “aliens” (ETs), for two reasons:

a) So that we will not turn to them for help (and many ETs would like to help us save our world, but can’t unless we ask them); and

b) The Illuminati end game is to stage a false flag “alien” invasion of Earth, so that they can unite all the governments and armies of the world under Illuminati rule. If the Illuminati can condition us to see ETs as evil “alien” invaders, though depicting them as such through films, we are unlikely to question the reality of a false (staged by the Illuminati) “alien” invasion.

If ETs were to offer us their help, in the current psychological climate of fear/distrust of ETs (fostered by the Illuminati), some humans would genuinely see this as a prelude to invasion, while the Illuminati would use their control of the media to frame the offer of help as a prelude to invasion. And then, some government controlled by the Illuminati (most probably the US government) would use this “invasion” as an excuse to attack the ETs and start a war with them (which we could never win: the ETs have a weapon that could obliterate our planet in a second if they wished). However, most ETs are so peace-loving that they would simply withdraw in the event of a war (leaving us in peace, when they could leave us in pieces).

But the Illuminati could continue the “invasion” long after the real ETs had gone, by using their fleet of ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) to attack hapless civilians around the world. Because ARVs are indistinguishable from real ET craft (except to those with inside knowledge), most people would be deceived, and would beg the Illuminati to save them. The Illuminati would thus be in control of both sides of this “war”: the United Earth Military (or somesuch), and the “alien invaders”, and they could continue the war as long as it suited their purpose. That purpose being, to terrorise the unsuspecting majority of humans, so that they will accept the Illuminati (possibly by now calling themselves the United Earth Government; they never call themselves by their real name) as saviours and rulers, without question. We (at least those of us who didn’t know what was really happening) would then willingly give the Illuminati (in the guise of the United Earth Government) a free hand to implement whatever draconian measures they deemed “necessary” to end the “alien threat”.

So if the ETs intervene too soon, it ends badly for everyone… except the Illuminati.

Happily, the Earth is on it’s way to becoming a Level 1 Civilisation… I believe we may even get there before the end of this decade. The good news is that 99% of people (whether human or ET) are basically good. Ask almost anyone whether they’re perfectly happy with things on this planet just the way they are, and the answer will be a resounding NO! Most people have someawareness that things are terribly wrong here (even if they don’t understand the full extent/causes of the problems) and most people want to do somethingabout it (even if they don’t know what). The bad news is 1% of the population is truly evil… and here I’m talking about not just the population of Earth, but of the universe: ET races also have the “1% problem” — that about 1% of them are evil. And it’s the evil 1% of humans that control the governments, banks, military, police, education system, health system, and most of the media on Earth. It seems impossible to fight against all of this; yet I believe 1% of a population cannot control the other 99% forever. They can only control us (the 99%) as long as we are asleep (unaware of what’s really going on). But all over the world, people are waking up, in ever increasing numbers, and we, on the side of truth, freedom and peace, have ET allies, just as the evil 1% have their ET allies.

Our ET allies cannot help us openly until we reach Level 1, but they will continue to help us covertly, until we get there.



Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials

I've been a huge fan of sci-fi my whole life, but recently, I've come to realise that we live in a stranger universe than anything anyone's ever dreamed up.