Why we fear Aliens (and why we shouldn’t)

Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials
13 min readApr 16, 2018

In Western culture, we’ve been conditioned to use the word “alien” in regard to extraterrestrials, without even thinking about it. I hate having to use that word in my blogs, but the sad fact of life is, most people think of ETs as “aliens” and that’s the word they search on, and if I didn’t use that word, no one would ever find my writing.

But let’s stop for a moment, and think about what that word really means. My Macquarie pocket dictionary has 7 definitions of alien, four of which are neutral, three of which are negative. Here are the negative ones:

3. Someone who has been shut out or excluded; an outsider.

6. Not belonging; foreign; strange.

7. Opposed; incompatible; repugnant.

But let’s face it, when most people think of the word alien, they’re not thinking of the dictionary definition. In the simplest possible terms, the word alien, to most people, means someone not like us. We seem to have an instinctive fear of that which is not like us. We are attracted to other mammals because they are like us: cats and dogs have facial features vaguely resembling those of human babies, this is part of the reason why they are more popular pets than snakes and spiders. Many people instinctively fear snakes and spiders because they are not like us, because they are alien. The problem occurs when we take this definition of alien, and we use it interchangeably with the word extraterrestrial. Then the ET becomes something automatically to be feared, as the alien is automatically to be feared. Racism is in large part based on fear of the different. I would argue that, just as calling a black man a nigger is racist, so is calling an ET an alien speciesist.

It’s also just plain wrong. Okay, so many aliens are not at all like us physically: they come in all shapes and sizes, just as life on Earth comes in all shapes and sizes. But we can overcome our fear of that which is physically different, by understanding it. I, for example, am not afraid of snakes (unless they have reason to feel threatened by me), because I know they will not attack humans unless they are provoked or feel threatened. Racism, although still a significant problem, has largely become socially unacceptable now (instead of the norm, as it was up until the 1950s) because most white people now understand that black people are just like them, under the skin.

It is when we believe other people or species are not like us psychologically, that we start to have real problems. That’s when fear and paranoia start to creep in. This misconception, that ETs are not like us psychologically, makes it easy to assume, that most, if not all, ETs are evil… and indeed, our culture has conditioned us to make that assumption.

When you say “alien” to me, I think of the xenomorphs from the Alien movies. In our culture, word “alien” has become associated with monsters that are scary and evil… and this is by design of the Illuminati. If you don’t know who the Illuminati are, I recommend this video:

Proof NWO & Illuminati are Real, & History is a Lie

I’ll come back to the Illuminati, and why they want us to fear ETs, later.

For now, I want to concentrate on the alternative hypothesis: that extraterrestrials, no matter what their physical form, are just like us, psychologically. There is good reason to suppose this, if you believe (as I do) that we were created by ETs. In my blog post Ancient Aliens are Real, I argue that a very human-looking ET species called the Annunaki, created the human race through genetic engineering, and then shaped our culture for thousands of years, by co-habiting our planet with us, so that by the time they were finished with us, we were made in their image, both physically and psychologically (and this is why the original version of the Bible says were we made in the gods’ image (plural); not in God’s image (singular)).

ETs are good and bad; just as humans are. Just as we have our Gandhis, Martin Luther Kings, and Jesus Christs; and our Adolf Hitlers, Pol Pots, and Saddam Husseins… so do ETs have their own equivalents of these heroes and villains. In fact, I’ve seen things that make me believe that the 1% rule applies across all intelligent species, throughout the universe. The 1% rule (which I formulated, I’ve never heard anyone else call it that) states that only about 1% of any given species is truly evil. That certainly applies to human beings. Only 1% of us (the Illuminati) are hell-bent on world domination, at all costs, no matter who or what they have to destroy along the way. The other 99% of us just want to live our lives, and most of us are quite happy to help other people along the way, if we can. If we apply this argument to ETs, then we have no more reason to fear ETs, than we have to fear other human beings.

I hope the irony of that last sentence wasn’t wasted on you. If 1% of human beings are evil, and the current world population of the world is 7.6 billion, then 1% of that is 76 million people, which is still a hell of a lot of evil people… and that’s only on one planet. Now, imagine an ET species that has a galactic empire with a hundred planets; or even a thousand planets, each one as heavily populated as ours. Imagine that 76 million multiplied by a hundred or a thousand, and suddenly you’ve got an awful lot of evil ETs to be afraid of. And that’s just one species. There’s no telling how many ET species have galactic empires: there could be hundreds, thousands, or millions. Multiply the number of possibly evil ETs in just one galactic empire by a hundred, thousand, or million, and you’ve suddenly got more possibly evil ETs than any human mind can conceive of.

Should we be afraid? Yes!… and no. The evil 1% of the human race that rules our world has its boot on the throat of the other 99%; and yet, the 99% have not allowed the 1% to destroy the world. The 99% have kept the 1% in check, at least somewhat. Despite the 1%’s determined efforts to crush all resistance, the 99% keep fighting back, fiercely enough to keep hope alive, and even (I believe) to have a realistic chance to (one day) win back our world from the evil 1%. Now, imagine this struggle being played out on an intergalactic scale. Our planet would have been conquered or destroyed by the evil 1% of ETs long, long ago (because there have always been ET races with technology thousands, or millions of years ahead of ours); if it were not for the good 99% of ETs keeping the bad 1% in check. As much as the evil ETs would like to decide our fate for us, the good ETs won’t allow them to. For every one evil ET, there are a billion or more good ETs, enough to crush the bad ones like a tidal wave if they violate the Prime Directive; and so the evil ETs don’t dare attack us too openly or overtly.

I’ve been using the term “evil ETs” quite loosely. Many of the ETs we might call “evil”, simply view humans as a resource in the same way that we view cattle or chickens as a resource. Most meat eating humans don’t give a lot of thought to what, or how much a cow or chicken might suffer, from the moment of its birth, to the moment it ends up on our plate. We don’t consider keeping these animals in captivity their entire lives, and then slaughtering them, to be inhumane, or immoral. Nor do we think we are doing anything immoral when we inject lab rats with cancers and various other diseases. I mean, if it could save millions of human lives, then the end justifies the means, right?

Unfortunately, for us, many ETs see us in those exact same terms. Rumour has it that the Greys are a dying race, because they can’t reproduce on their own any more. So they don’t think twice about abducting human females and using them for broodmares. After all, it’s going to save their species from extinction, right? So what if a few “lower life forms” get harmed in the process?

The problem here, isn’t that these ETs are different to us: the problem is that they’re too much like us. We, too, have treated human beings like dumb animals when it suited us… up until slavery was abolished (in America) in 1865. We, too have been guilty of thinking that “might makes right”, that superior technology gives us the right to do with other races as we choose (as the colonists of America and Australia did to the natives of those countries). On Earth, our technological advancement has raced far ahead of our spiritual advancement. It’s not that we don’t have the technology to save the world: it’s just that we use that technology to build weapons, instead of things that would improve the human condition. It’s reasonable to assume that some ET races have the same problem. That some ETs use their technology as thoughtlessly as we do. These are the ETs we should be afraid of. It’s not that they want to hurt us, any more than we want to hurt lab rats, or sheep. But for a human, being treated like a rat in an experiment, or a sheep on its way to the slaughter, is a terrifying thing.

But not all “abductions” are abductions, and not all “abductors” are “evil”. There are plenty of ETs (the majority, actually) whose spiritual advancement does match their technological advancement (these are the “good” ETs that hold the “bad” ones in check). Every year, these ETs take millions of people for completely benevolent purposes… and mostly, they end up being feared, anyway. Here, the fear is merely fear of the strange, and the unknown. The first few times a person is “abducted” they have no idea what’s going on. They go to sleep in their beds, and wake up on an “alien” (at least that’s how they think of it) spaceship, surrounded by beings that could look anything like from classic Greys, to giant Preying Mantises (the Aethian). That would be a terrifying experience for anyone, the first time. What’s really going on here, is these people have a Soul Contract with the ETs. A soul contract is an agreement your soul makes with another soul (or souls) before you are born. Unfortunately, you forget all your soul contracts as soon as you are born (along with everything else you knew when you were between bodies).

Again, understanding is the key to overcoming fear, in these situations. If you want to know more about benevolent “abductions”, and why they occur, I recommend the book: Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact can transform your life, by Mary Rodwell. What Mary helps people who’ve signed these soul contracts understand, is that they’ve agreed to be the “good” ETs messengers and ambassadors in this world, and that they’re taken by the good ETs for training purposes: to be given knowledge, and sometimes psychic powers, that will help them heal the world, and spread the good ET message that all intelligent beings are brothers and sisters.

These abductions, both good and bad, may have been going on for as long as 24,000 years or more. There’s a cave painting as old as that, that appears to depict an abduction experience. If they’ve been taking us for that long, then its reasonable to suppose we might have some subconscious genetic/racial memory of these occurrences, and that might, in part, explain our fear of “aliens”.

A brief summary of the history of the Annunaki on Earth, illustrates most of the main points I’ve made so far. This history can be broadly divided into two periods: Before the Flood (BTF) and After the Flood (ATF).

BTF, the Annunaki saw humans primarily as a resource. Why wouldn’t they? They genetically engineered us to be their slaves, in much the same way that we used selective breeding to turn wild cows and chickens into domesticated, farmable food animals. We seem to think that because we created these animals, this gives us the right to do with them as we choose. So why would the Annunaki not think the same of us? Indeed, we probably inherited this attitude from them, because their way of thinking influenced our culture for thousands of years. The Annunaki probably treated their slaves much the same way that we treated ours (before we outlawed slavery), which is to say, brutally. Most likely, they were subjected to fierce floggings and beatings, if they did not complete their tasks well enough or fast enough, and occasionally executed, in the case of particularly severe transgressions (in the eyes of their owners).

All of this was done to keep the early humans in their place. Their lot was to toil in the mines, to do the hard physical labour the Annunaki preferred not to dirty their hands with. The Annunaki didn’t want the humans to get any delusions of equality, or having rights, that might lead to thoughts of rebellion. They preferred to keep the early humans afraid, because it made them easier to manage. Again, this went on for thousands of years, so we might have some genetic/racial memory of it, that makes us fear “aliens”, even to this day.

Certainly, we seem to have some genetic/racial memory of having treated the Annunaki as Gods. We can see the influence of this in all the world’s major religions, and in our willingness (in general) to give all of our personal power to our leaders (to effectively treat them as Gods).

But, it is also reasonable to suppose, that just as there were good and bad slave owners amongst humans (once we were in charge); there were good and bad slave owners amongst the Annunaki. Although “keep the slaves downtrodden” was the prevailing mentality BTF, there were probably a few Annunaki who went against convention, and were at least lenient, if not kind to their slaves.

As the Flood (that is recorded in ancient legends from all over the world, not just the Bible) approached, the Annunaki became divided into two clear factions: the Enlil faction, that wanted to leave the human race to die; and the Enki faction, that wanted to save them. Enlil and Enki were the two main commanders of the Annunaki on Earth, and in them, we can see where we inherited our human tendency towards duality: towards being good and evil; merciful and merciless. Enlil represented the larger Annunaki faction, that saw humans as just a resource, and therefore, expendable. Enki represented the smaller, but growing faction, that saw humans as intelligent beings, with rights, not least of which was the right to continued existence.

Against Enlil’s wishes, Enki instructed Noah (probably not his real name, but the one he’s become best known by) to build the Ark (probably a high-tech submersible, rather than a wooden boat), so that the human race, and most of the animal species (probably preserved in a gene bank, rather than in physical form) would survive the Flood. After the Flood, Enlil’s faction abandoned Earth, and Enki’s faction took over. Whether Enki and his followers saw humans as their children, or merely their pets, is uncertain: what matters, is that they felt some sort of moral obligation to help us rebuild after the Flood. Unlike Enlil, who was dead set against sharing Annunaki technology with humans, Enki believed in sharing it freely, and this his faction did for thousands of years. Under the guidance of Enki and his chief deputies, human civilisation rose to a higher level of technological advancement than it is at now, until there was a second cataclysm (possibly another flood) that wiped it all out (except for the Pryamids, and other enormous stone monuments, too big to be washed away), and forced the Annunaki to abandon the planet.

To this day, it seems that some part of us remembers those days, when we worshipped Enki and his followers as benevolent Gods… and if they were not Gods, then at least they were our saviours. This is why billions of people still believe in some form of God, even though they’ve never seen one. For hundreds of years after the Annunaki left, our ancestors (who survived the cataclysm), yearned for their Gods to return. Over time, that yearning has been diluted, but never entirely forgotten: it lives on in the myth (that all major religions have) that one day God (or theGods/Saviour/Messiah/Prophet) will return. If we haven’t forgotten our worship of the Annunaki entirely, we may not have forgotten our fear of them entirely, either.

There is a final, more sinister reason why we fear “aliens”: because the Illuminati want us to. If you don’t believe in the Illuminati, or don’t know who they are, I recommend you watch the video I posted near the top of this article. The Illuminati have an agenda involving ETs, and it is twofold:

  1. Convince us ETs don’t exist, by suppressing and denying all evidence of them, and ridiculing anyone who claims to have evidence/direct experience of ETs.
  2. In the event that objective 1 fails, the Illuminati want to condition us to hate and fear “aliens” (ETs), for two reasons:

a) So that we will not turn to them for help (and many ETs would like to help us save our world, but can’t unless we ask them); and

b) The Illuminati end game is to stage a false flag “alien” invasion of Earth, so that they can unite all the governments and armies of the world under Illuminati rule. If the Illuminati can condition us to see ETs as evil “alien” invaders, though depicting them as such through films and other popular media, we are unlikely to question the reality of a false (staged by the Illuminati) “alien” invasion.

So… any movie, book, or comic that depicts ETs as evil “alien” invaders or killers, serves the Illuminati agenda point 2; regardless of whether the filmmakers/authors are willing or unwitting servants of the Illuminati.

Once a false “invasion” of Earth had been started, the Illuminati could continue it as long as they wished, by using their fleet of ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) to attack hapless civilians around the world. Because ARVs are indistinguishable from real ET craft (except to those with inside knowledge), most people would be deceived, and would beg the Illuminati to save them. The Illuminati would thus be in control of both sides of this “war”: the United Earth Military (or somesuch), and the “alien invaders”, and they could continue the war as long as it suited their purpose. That purpose being, to terrorise the unsuspecting majority of humans, so that they will accept the Illuminati (possibly by now calling themselves the United Earth Government; they never call themselves by their real name) as saviours and rulers, without question. We (at least those of us who didn’t know what was really happening) would then willingly give the Illuminati (in the guise of the United Earth Government) a free hand to implement whatever draconian measures they deemed “necessary” to end the “alien threat”.

My final advice on the matter, is that you should be much more afraid of evil humans, than you are of evil ETs. Humans are doing way more damage to our planet, and our species, than ETs are.



Chris Thompson
The Truth about Extraterrestrials

I've been a huge fan of sci-fi my whole life, but recently, I've come to realise that we live in a stranger universe than anything anyone's ever dreamed up.