Ana Laura Albornoz
Ana Laura Albornoz
Published in
7 min readJan 11, 2023

Case Study

Developed as a final project for the UX|UI Bootcamp at Ironhack São Paulo.

The Challenge

We had 5 weeks to develop a digital product or service that should be based on our own vision, research, and findings using the tools and resources learned throughout the UX/UI BootCamp.

We were encouraged to choose a subject that we were passionate about to show our personal design signature.

1. Empathize

1.1 Theme Definition

I have been fascinated with the organization of physical spaces since I was a child. Social Media and the algorithms these days already have understood that and I watch a lot of before and after videos on the topic.

So I decided that the starting point of my research was going to be:

Having chosen that this was the theme to move forward the next step was to deepen the research.

1.2 Desk Research

Amongst the findings in this process, I would like to highlight four that I consider the most relevant.

1.3 Research Planning

Now was the time to plan the other steps of the research. I decided to use mixed methods, one quantitative — survey via form- and one qualitative — semi-structured deep interview.

My initial hypotheses were:

I also used the Lean Survey Canvas to map who I would recruit for the research, what information I already knew, and what I still needed to know. It was also a great tool for formulating the survey questions for the quantitative research step.

2. Define

2.1 Affinity Diagram

After completing the quantitative research via forms with 36 participants and proceeding to do semi-structured deep interviews with 7 participants, I gathered the insights in the Affinity Diagram. Here is a selection of the most important ones.

These were really relevant because, in this case, my initial Hypotheses were confirmed and I gained more information about the “whys” of those behaviors.

2.2 Persona

I then came up with my persona and what were the most significant pains and main goals that moved this user.

2.3. Problem Statement

As part of the Defining Stages, I stated the problem as:

2.4. Hypothesis Statement

…and the Hypothesis as:

2.5. How Might We?

And used the “How Might We?” tool to start thinking about how I would like to approach the topic by asking good questions such as:

2.6. Benchmarking

Through benchmarking I could analyze what already exists in the market. Overall the apps were either specific to task management, or if they were for the organization of physical spaces it would be for pantries, for example. It could be observed that most also did treat tasks as moral achievements and outcomes.

3. Ideate

3.1 Brainstorming

Brainstorming ideas with other classmates I was able to start the Ideation stage thinking about how my solution might actually look like.

3.2 Moscow

Furthermore, I used the Moscow tool to refine the ideas that the solution must have, should have, could have, and will not have. That helped a lot to direct my focus moving forward.

3.3 User Journey

Knowing my solution was an app, I used the user journey to visualize what would be the first use of the app by my persona. What would be the steps, the touching points, the feelings, and the thoughts they would be going through?

3.4 Moodboard

To start conceptualizing the visual part of the app I created a mood board to get a sense of colors, textures, and overall aesthetic I wanted to bring.

4. Prototype and Test

4.1 Sitemap and User Flow

Using both a sitemap and user flow I started creating the Information Architecture of the App and giving it the structure.

4.2 Content First and Low-Fi Prototype

After that, I used the Content First mechanism to describe all the content that the screens were going to have. This helped a lot in understanding the screens and moving to the low-fi prototype later on.

4.3 Mid-Fi and Testing

After testing the Lo-Fi, receiving the feedback, and incorporating it I arrived at the mid-fi prototype as shown in the picture.

4.4 High-Fi Prototype

After testing the Mid Fi I finally arrived at the MVP of the Organizare App.

The user goes through the Splash screen with some animation and then arrives at the create account screen with the option for social login as well.

Then the user is taken to a Welcome Screen saying that “their journey to an organization without guilt is starting now”. They press continue and go to the Home Screen. In the Home, they can see three card sections: Projects to inspire, Readings, and Videos. There is also a footer with a Home, a calendar, Projects, Profile, and a Add a Project in the middle.

When adding a Project you choose the name of it, give a quick description, select the room this is going to take place, and also the subcategories that belong to it. When you press create Project the App will give you the option to do it now or schedule it for another time and will also offer some quick videos/ tutorials on the subject.

When pressing the Do it now option you go to a timer, set it, and press it to begin. It will let you know when the time is finished, but you can add more time if needed. Once the project is finished there is a success message congratulating you and then you can already see that project on the finalized projects.

On the other hand, when you want to schedule a project you also will do the first part by inputting and name, description ad details about the project, but when then will press Schedule when asked when you will complete it. Then you will be taken to a date and time screen and will also be able to see your project on the list but on the scheduled projects section.

Going back to the Home Screen Options, you can also go into each section of the cards such as “How to fold jeans” which is a project to inspire.

Or go into readings and click on an article such as this one on Organization and guilt.

The idea is that the same can also be done with videos and so on.

Here is the HiFi Prototype in Figma:

5. Next Steps and Learnings

In the future, I would like to make the app more personalized to the user's needs. I would also like to make the writing more aligned with the purpose of the app through more UX research. To maintain the tone as far as moral value as possible and show organizing as a tool to make your life easier rather than another task.
I would also like to align the app with accessibility guidelines.

During this project, I learned that collaborating with other designers and creative minds is a great tool to make your work better. I learned how intense it can be to do a solo project from end to end and I also pushed myself in terms of Figma further than I had done before and was pleasantly surprised by it.

It was a wonderful way to wrap up my Ironhack Bootcamp Experience!

