Analog + Postcards is a ‘learning out loud’ publication I’ve started

Katrice Brown
Analog + Postcard
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021

I have a passion for photography, especially analog and alternative processes in photography. I’ve loved photography just about all my life. No really, at 10 years old, my 110 camera was always by my side.

What stopped me from pursuing photography? Cost was a major concern for starters, but mainly it was the practical business side. It amazes me how so many people where more than willing to teach photography, but very rarely teach how to sustain yourself doing it. Even in school, their approach was to just tell you to get a internship…which of course would most likely be unpaid. How was a stressed out, broke student supposed to do that? And the horror stories of mistreatment or just being used as a gofer instead of being taught the business side were-and still are everywhere.

Well, I’m back to trying to figure this out again; and relearning photography. I’ve had many jobs in many places, but I am always pulled back to photography. So, I figure it is time to learn the practical side of it. The business.

The purpose of this publication is to become business-wise while gaining practical and creative skills.

I’m starting by first focusing on making and selling postcards and small print items like zines. Of course an important factor in all this is presenting, and packaging your work, weather it’s for sale or not.

I am pulling every how-to book, magazine, website, etc., that I can find. Learning what is relevant while looking for people I can learn from, and finding those who just want a collective of like minds to build a community.


1. Learn the business side of photography.

2. Learn design and how to present my work.

3. Keep learning photography.

4. Make contacts, network, and build a healthy community.

