AnalogFolk’s weekly innovation round-up. Issue #36

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Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2019

Machine learning music, deepfake detection and more…

Welcome to the AnalogFolk weekly innovation roundup, where our technical lead Francisco Jordão summarises the innovations of the week; from the weird to the wonderful, and everything in-between.

The invisible risk that should have iPhone users worried

For many years, the Apple iPhone has been considered one of the most secure smartphones available. But there’s an invisible risks you should know about.

How YACHT Used Machine Learning to Create Their New Album

“I don’t know if we could’ve written it ourselves — it took a risk maybe we aren’t willing to.” YACHT singer Claire Evans says that the process allowed the band to find melodies “hidden in between songs” in their back catalog.

Apple Plans Return of Touch ID and New Cheap iPhone

Apple Inc. is developing in-screen fingerprint technology for as early as its 2020 iPhones, according to people familiar with the plans. The upcoming fingerprint reader would be embedded in the screen.

Facebook is making its own deepfakes and offering prizes for detecting them.

Image and video manipulation powered by deep learning, or so-called “deepfakes,” represent a strange and horrifying facet of a promising new field. If we’re going to crack down on these creepy creations, we’ll need to fight fire with fire; Facebook, Microsoft, and many others are banding together to help make machine learning capable of detecting deepfakes — and they want you to help.

Interactive games bring fun to shopping mall floor

In 2019, Hexogon Solution chose Lightact as the media server for Interactive Games — an interactive projection in Funan, an iconic IT shopping centre in Singapore.



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