AnalogFolk’s weekly innovation round-up. Issue #51

AR scavenger hunts to superpowered contact lenses

We are AnalogFolk
2 min readJan 17, 2020


Welcome to the AnalogFolk weekly innovation roundup, where our technical lead Francisco Jordão summarises the innovations of the week; from the weird to the wonderful, and everything in-between.

Snapchat Turns Real World into AR Scavenger Hunt with Nearly Instant Object Recognition

While Snapchat is no stranger to location-based AR scavenger hunts, the app’s new world-facing game adds some environmental understanding to the mix. This week, Snapchat launched a new Snappables game dubbed Scavenger Hunt. However, while most Snappables games use the front-facing camera to insert users and their friends into the game, Scavenger Hunt flips gameplay to the rear camera.

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The making of Mojo, AR contact lenses that give your eyes superpowers

Using a display the size of a grain of sand to project images onto the retina, this startup could help everyone from firefighters to people with poor vision.

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Volkswagen’s Concept Robot Would Bring Mobile EV Charging to Any Garage

Volkswagen Group Components’ mobile charging robot brings a trailer in the form of a mobile energy storage device to the vehicle.

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Which Tech Company Is Really the Most Evil?

The 30 most dangerous corporations in the industry, ranked by the people who know.

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Et voilà: French Tech steals the show at CES 2020

The Computer Entertainment Show (CES), the annual mecca for nerds and start-ups, is now behind us. French Tech has been heavily represented in Las Vegas in the past few years.

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