AnalogFolk’s weekly innovation round-up. Issue #53

The impact of smartphones, facial recognition CCTV takes London and more…

We are AnalogFolk
2 min readFeb 4, 2020


Welcome to the AnalogFolk weekly innovation roundup, where our technical lead Francisco Jordão summarises the innovations of the week; from the weird to the wonderful, and everything in-between.

London police to deploy facial recognition cameras across the city

Live facial recognition cameras will be deployed across London, with the city’s Metropolitan Police announcing that the technology has moved past the trial stage and is ready to be permanently integrated into everyday policing.

The UK Announces Regulations to Beef Up IoT Security — The U.S. Should Follow Suit

Today, the UK has announced new legislation aimed at protecting consumers who buy connected devices from hacking and other types of security risks. The law would require makers of Internet of Things devices to adhere to three security requirements, which frankly should be no-brainers but somehow aren’t.

Google says its new chatbot Meena is the best in the world

Google has released a neural-network-powered chatbot called Meena that it claims is better than any other chatbot out there. Google says Meena can talk about pretty much anything, and can even make up (bad) jokes.

The iPad Turns 10: A Look Back at Its First Decade

Here’s what WIRED writers have had to say about Apple’s tablet in the 10 years since its arrival.

Presentations — Benedict Evans

This year, ‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’ looks at what it means that 4bn people have a smartphone; we connected everyone, and now we wonder what the Next Big Thing is, but meanwhile, connecting everyone means we connected all the problems. Tech is becoming a regulated industry, but we don’t really know what that will mean.

And that’s all, Folks!



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