Analyse Asia #148: The South Korea Technology Startup Ecosystem with Eva Yoo

Analyse Asia
Analyse Asia
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016

An overview of the startup technology ecosystem in South Korea

Source: Wikia Creative Commons

Episode Synopsis: Eva Chaewon Yoo (@evayooare) from Technode joined us in a conversation to discuss the South Korea technology startup ecosystem. She offered a comprehensive overview in how one can navigate the startup ecosystem from Seoul to Pusan, the five booming startup verticals, the key investors from angel investors to venture capital and the interaction with the Chaebol such as Samsung or major conglomerates in Korea.

Here are the three interesting points which we discussed during this episode:

  • Eva Yoo offered a historic overview in how the South Korean technology startup ecosystem has evolved.
  • She analyzed where the major startups are located from Seoul to Pusan, the investors from angel investors to venture capitalists and how the major companies such as Naver, Samsung and LG interact with the community.
  • She discussed the startups that are rising within these five booming sectors: online to offline (O2O), fintech, multi-channel network (MCN) influenced by Korean pop and drama, healthcare & fashion.

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