Analyst’s corner digest #7

Top stories published in June-July 2022

Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner


Hello there!

Please find the list of the most interesting stories recently published in our corner. Enjoy the read ;)

Editor’s choice

If you have time for just one article, we recommend you read this.

Top business analysis interview questions in 2022, by Igor Arkhipov

Preparing for a job interview as a business analyst can be a stressful time. You’ve done your research, prepared your CV, got called for a chat — now it’s time to get prepared.

Having witnessed and conducted hundreds of job interviews, I’ve seen a trend in the types of questions that get asked more often than others. Understanding what interviewers may ask will help you be more confident…> Keep reading

Most popular

1) 10 principles for working with processes, by Jamie Toyne

When used correctly, process modelling is an invaluable activity, and along with process maps can be a powerful way of communicating of what is happening or should happen. At its simplest it helps us to decompose a process into a sequence of steps, with a defined start and end, and understand the various events that trigger specific actions. They can also help us to identify the users (‘actors’) and what their involvement is.

This provides the basis for analysis and optimisation.

However, it can be easy to fall down the path of over-complication, especially when it comes to drawing up a process...
> Keep reading

2) Getting Business Analysis Right — Model, by Maria Montgomery

The getting business analysis model outlines the steps you and your organisation can undertake to get the business analysis right and achieve the industry best practice via 3 pillars:

  1. Governance
  2. Competency
  3. Collaboration

> Read more

3) Holy Ambiguity, Crapman!, by Karl Wiegers

Some intrinsically ambiguous words that are best avoided when writing requirements, or anything else.

> A list

4) Red flags while interviewing for a business analyst job, by Pushkar Anand

There are some red flags that should typically be analyzed in the interview process, before making the decision to join a company (as a business analyst).
> Keep reading

5) 5 Steps To Creating A Watertight Elicitation Approach, by James Compton

For a Business Analyst, elicitation is one of the most fun and creative parts of a project. But if not done well it can come back to bite us later on.

Business Analysts have a lot of skill, but if they don’t use the right process, the results can go sideways. In this article we’ll explore why this is and how to unblock this limitation with a 5-step method you can use right now.

> Keep reading

More stories

- 3 Ways To Effectively Manage Difficult Stakeholders, by James Compton

In this article we’ll explore 3 ideas for how to deal with stakeholder resistance so that you can get the engagement back that you really need:

  • Step 1 — Build a trusting relationship
  • Step 2 — Understand their world
  • Step 3 — Create management support

- Telepathy and Clairvoyance: Requirements Practices That Don’t Work, by Karl Wiegers

It’s hard enough to come up with the right requirements through discussions, workshops, and prototypes. It’s even harder when people expect you to read their minds.

We hope you have enjoyed reading! Contact us if you want to get your piece published.

Thanks folks!



Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner

CBAP | Business analysis | Enterprise architecture | Agile — Find me on linkedin: