First 30 days as a senior business analyst in a new company

Pushkar Anand
Analyst’s corner
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2020


How to assimilate and succeed in your new surroundings

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

First day as a senior business analyst in a new company. You do the standard stuff — meet team members, the development team, the testing team, meet the managers, get your seat and laptop and get the standard lay of the land. You want to make a good impression and start to think of the first steps to take in your new role.

Let me help you out (or at the very best share some of my learning).

Some of it is standard, some of it is specific, as the role requires us to broadly connect with almost everyone in the company, and some of it is a reflection of the fact that many times business analysts have to justify their presence.

Talk to everyone (or listen to everyone)

Developers, testers, product managers, sales guys, managers, tech architects, dev-ops folks, U/X people (did I miss anyone?). Will you always get their time? Probably not. But it is always good to connect (over lunch, over coffee) with as many people as you can. As a business analyst, you will cross paths with most of them. People are always circumspect of the new guy, and they will eventually judge you by the work that you do. But it doesn’t hurt to create a good initial impression. Apart from just…

