How to successfully prevent roadblocks and overcome challenges in a custom software development project as an IT business analyst?

No matter if you are an IT business analyst or a product owner, there will be challenges in any custom software development project. But it is OK, you are an IT professional and you are here to prevent issues or solve them if they are converted into problems. (I consciously use the word ‘prevent’ because there are a lot of problems that would not arise with proper prevention.)

As projects evolve, product owners and IT Business Analysts often deal with issues from unclear requirements to complex, project-related issues.

These roadblocks, if not addressed, can derail a project’s trajectory and undermine its success. However, with proactive measures, a clear understanding of common problems, and the right strategies in place, these obstacles can be effectively managed.

In this article, I delve into the most frequent challenges an IT business analyst faces in custom software development.

Based on my experiences, I try to provide you with actionable solutions to each issue presented. With this knowledge, you can ensure your IT software development project runs smoothly and achieve its desired outcomes.

First, here are the main takeaways. If you want more details…scroll down.

Key takeaways

  • Common challenges in custom software development include unclear requirements, scope creep, and resource limitations.
  • Effective communication and collaboration between stakeholders are crucial for project success. Always make sure that the communication channels are actively used.
  • Agile development methodologies can address evolving requirements and foster flexibility.
  • Thorough project proper planning, prevention of risks, and change management help mitigate potential obstacles.
  • Engaging with an experienced IT consultancy provides expertise in navigating challenges and delivering successful custom software development projects.

Common roadblocks and solutions related to custom software development.

1. Not well-defined requirements

  • Problem: Stakeholders often don’t know exactly what they want, leading to vague or changing requirements during the project. It can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect implementations.
  • Solution: That is where you get in the picture! Utilize structured requirement elicitation techniques, like workshops, interviews, and surveys. Document everything using tools like user stories, use-case diagrams, and Business Requirement Documents (BRD). Regularly validate the requirements with stakeholders to ensure clarity and agreement. Agile methodology can help manage this situation to a certain point.

2. Scope creep

  • Problem: Adding new features or changes beyond the initial agreed-upon scope can disrupt the project’s timeline and budget.
  • Solution: If something is out-of-scope, discuss it with the product owner and the project manager. Any change should go through a formal change request process. Emphasize the importance of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to stakeholders.

3. Resource limitations

  • Problem: Limited skilled resources, budgetary constraints, or time pressures can impact the project’s progress and quality.
  • Solution: Use project management tools for resource allocation.
    Consider outsourcing or hiring temporary skilled colleagues if necessary. Ensure that your team members got every training they had to.

4. Poor communication

  • Problem: Misunderstandings or lack of transparency between teams can lead to mistakes, missed deadlines, or building the wrong solution.
  • Solution: Organize regular discussions about questionable topics, stand-ups, and feedback sessions. Use collaboration tools like Zoom or Teams for communication and tools like Jira, Trello, or Azure DevOps for tracking tasks and progress.

5. Resistance to change

  • Problem: Stakeholders or end-users resist adapting to the new software solution. They want to do everything in the same way as before.
  • Solution: Engage users early in the process. Understand their pain points and needs. Consider training sessions, and ensure proper documentation is available for them. Be visible and consistent.

6. Outdated development approach

  • Problem: Traditional development models may not offer the flexibility needed for evolving requirements or quick market changes. Sometimes a company has its development policy, which was good when it entered into force, but they did not update it.
  • Solution: Assess the possibility of adopting Agile or other iterative development methodologies. These allow for regular feedback loops and adaptations, ensuring the software remains aligned with business needs.

7. Outdated tech stack

  • Problem: Using outdated technologies can reduce the software’s efficiency and scalability, not to mention the maintenance cost.
  • Solution: Stay updated with the latest technologies. If you are not sure what stack you have to use, talk with a senior colleague.

8. Integration challenges

  • Problem: The software has to be integrated with other existing systems, leading to complexities.
  • Solution: Understand all integration points in the initial stages. Work closely with system architects and use tools like API documentation.

9. User interface design mismatch

  • Problem: Stakeholders might expect the final product to function or look a certain way, but developers have a different understanding.
  • Solution: Visual models like wireframes or mockups can help. Business Analyst should work closely with the UI/UX designer and product owner. Regularly review progress with stakeholders and give feedback to ensure alignment.

10. Insufficient testing

  • Problem: Software released with bugs can damage a company’s reputation, decrease user experience, and result in slightly increased maintenance costs.
  • Solution: Have an adequate test strategy and work closely with the Quality Assurance (QA) team. Share the process knowledge with the QAs, create acceptance criteria, and review it with the product owner.

11. Reluctance to external expertise

  • Problem: Internal IT teams may lack the full range of expertise needed, have limited time to work on your project, or maybe too close to a project to see potential pitfalls.
  • Solution: Engage with reputable IT consultancies or bring in external experts for periodic reviews. Their fresh perspective can identify challenges and solutions that internal teams might overlook.

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For an IT Business Analyst, understanding these common issues and knowing how to prevent/solve them is crucial for successfully delivering a custom software project.

With clear communication, smooth collaboration, and proactive engagement, BAs can support their teams through the challenges of delivering even large-scale applications with complex processes.



Attila Evanics | IT Business analyst | Consultant
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