Making Peer Reviews Work for You

Technical peer reviews are a powerful quality tool, but they’re a bit tricky. Here are 8 critical success factors and some traps to avoid.

Karl Wiegers
Analyst’s corner
Published in
7 min readNov 14, 2019


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I’ve been a fan of software peer reviews and inspections for more than 30 years. I’ve seen the benefits, and I’ve learned something from every review I’ve been in. Peer reviews are a vital component of a software development culture that is focused on quality.

Simply asking a colleague to look over something you’ve created is a great start. Establishing a peer review program and weaving reviews into the cultural fabric of an organization takes time, though. A new review process is fragile, being easily disrupted by unpleasant experiences (“my reviewers treated me like an idiot”) or ineffective results (“we wasted all that time and didn’t find a single major bug”).

Peer reviews are tricky, as they involve technical, social, and cultural dimensions. This article describes eight factors that can make a review program work and points out several traps to avoid.

Critical Success Factors

The people involved and their attitude toward quality are the greatest contributors to a review program’s success. The first critical factor is for your team members…



Karl Wiegers
Analyst’s corner

Author of 14 books, mostly on software. PhD in organic chemistry. Guitars, wine, and military history fill the voids. and