How can you, a business analyst ensure smooth software handover

Pushkar Anand
Analyst’s corner
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


Software handover across teams and organizations

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Software handovers between teams and individuals in any ecosystem can be a minefield, often threatening to disrupt continuity and harmony across teams and organizations. In most cases, handovers result in knowledge loss, which in turn leads to chaos and time wastage when a critical issue hits the system. As a business analyst (BA), you will invariably be a part of the process, both at a junior and senior level. It is better to be fully aware of the complexities and pitfalls associated with taking part in a handover. You’ll eventually be able to apply some best practices to navigate around it (some of mine i hope and some of yours based on your context and area of operation).

Now, a lot of problems i talk about would not generally happen in a perfect world. Correct guidelines, collaborative teams, proper managers and you would not see the problems talked about in this story. However the world is not always collaborative and correct. People are not always pulling in the same directions due to issues beyond capability and processes.

Let me first explain some real-world scenarios that come under the term ‘software handovers’:

A team was handling a critical module in enterprise software for a number of years. The team…

