The Importance of Beta Testing

Kavindi Bogahawatte
Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2024


You’ve completed your discovery, created and validated your prototype, and developed and tested the initial iteration of your product or functionality. What comes next? You could launch it directly to all your users, or you could choose to run a Beta Test.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Industry experts recommend running Beta Testing. Instead of launching the product to everyone, start with a small, representative group, learn from their feedback, and then expand to more users as you feel confident. This approach minimizes the need for extensive publicity for a proper launch and allows for controlled rollbacks if the product doesn’t perform as expected.

What is Beta Testing?

Beta testing is a phase where you launch your product (or new functionality) to a select set of real users in a real production environment to capture their feedback and uncover any issues and bugs. Essentially, Beta testing is the final round of testing before you launch the product or functionality to a wider audience.

Why Beta Testing?

Beta testing offers the opportunity for your product or functionality to be tested by actual users in a real production environment. While internal testing is crucial, Beta testing provides insights into actual user problems and behaviors when they are using your product or functionality.

How to Plan a Beta Test

  1. Recruit Beta Users: Depending on your domain and project nature, you can either select users from your existing base to create an exclusive list for Beta testing or recruit new users specifically for this purpose. While more users can provide broader feedback, the recommended number of participants for a Beta test is 5 to 8 users.
  2. Manage Timelines and Expectations: Set a clear timeframe for the Beta phase, typically 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nature of the product or functionality.
  3. Establish a Process: Document the plan for the Beta round, clearly outlining the process, metrics, timelines and expectations.
  4. Regular Check-ins: Maintain regular communication with Beta users and capture their feedback in a structured manner to facilitate analysis.
  5. Analyze and Act: Analyze the feedback and the metrics captured, assess the impact, and plan for “fast follow” enhancements.

Outcomes of Beta Testing

Beta testing provides several critical outcomes that help ensure the success of your product or functionality:

  1. Identifying Bugs and Issues: By testing in a real production environment, Beta testing helps uncover bugs and issues that were not detected during internal testing.
  2. User Experience Insights: Beta testing reveals how actual users interact with the product, providing valuable insights into user behavior and experience.
  3. Validation of Functionality: Feedback from Beta users can confirm whether the product’s features and functionalities meet user needs and expectations.
  4. Improvement Opportunities: User feedback highlights areas for improvement, allowing you to make necessary adjustments before the full launch.
  5. Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential problems early, Beta testing reduces the risk of a major failure upon the wider release of the product.


As highlighted in “Escaping the Build Trap,” it’s better to fail in smaller ways, earlier, and learn what will succeed rather than spending all the time and money failing in a publicly large way. Beta testing is a strategic step in ensuring your product meets user needs and performs well before a full-scale launch.


  1. What is Beta Testing and How Do Product Managers Use It?
  2. The Ultimate Guide to Beta Testing
  3. Perri, M. (2018). Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value. O’Reilly Media.

