The Power of Holistic Innovation

How to be Holistic While Innovating

The Business Lion
Analyst’s corner
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Product X (Cinema)

Product X, Product Y and Product Z

In the bustling landscape of commerce, it’s often the case that complementary products and services hold the key to unlocking untapped potential within our businesses.

Picture this scenario: you’ve got Product Y, which in our case, takes the form of a cinema. Now, consider how the ease and affordability of Product X (babysitting) and Product Z (parking) can significantly influence the allure of Product Y.

Yet, despite this interwoven relationship, many industry players remain firmly entrenched within the confines of tradition, failing to recognize the immense value that complementary offerings can bring.

It’s a tale as old as time — only a select few cinema operators dare to venture beyond the norm and consider the impact of babysitting and parking services on the cinematic experience, but my dear readers, therein lies a hidden goldmine waiting to be unearthed.

What happens before, during and after (Holistic Innovation)

The key to unlocking this potential lies in the art of holistic thinking — contemplating what occurs before, during, and after the utilization of our primary product or service.

Before stepping foot into the cinema’s hallowed halls, patrons may find themselves in need of babysitting arrangements and hassle-free parking solutions. These pre-cinema experiences are integral parts of the overall package, shaping the narrative even before the curtain rises.

Once ensconced within the theater, it’s a feast for the senses as moviegoers indulge in the visual splendor and captivating narratives unfurling before them. But let’s not forget the culinary delights — for food is not merely sustenance during the movie; it’s an essential component of the cinematic journey, enhancing the experience and tantalizing taste buds in equal measure.

But what happens after will not be told by me, it will be told by you in the comment section. I will give ratings to all your answers (which will tell how well you have understood my article) and in my next articles I will mention the winner/winners (Just in case there is a tie) Best of luck !!!

Let us heed the wisdom of holistic thinking and embrace the transformative power of complementary products and services. By expanding our horizons beyond the traditional confines of our industries, we unlock a world of untapped potential, enriching the lives of our customers and propelling our businesses to new heights.

So stay tuned, dear readers and understand deeply the magic of holistic innovation.

Now we shall see what we learned, a bit practically through this example

  • example NABI: Revolutionizing the Bus Manufacturing Industry Through Holistic Innovation

In the cutthroat world of bus manufacturing, where every player vies to offer the lowest purchase price per vehicle, one company dared to defy convention and rewrite the rules of the game.

Enter NABI, a Hungarian powerhouse that saw beyond the surface and delved deep into the essence of customer needs.

The Realization

While the industry fixated on slashing purchase prices, NABI took a different route. They looked beyond the initial transaction and examined what happened before, during, and after the buses rolled off the assembly line.

What they discovered was a revelation that would transform the landscape forever. For municipalities, who kept buses in circulation for an average of 12 years, the real cost wasn’t in the initial purchase, but rather in the ongoing maintenance.

Picture this: wear and tear, fueled by the bus’s hefty weight, led to incessant repairs and skyrocketing maintenance costs. Factor in the voracious appetite for fuel and the need for preventive bodywork to stave off rust, and you’ve got a recipe for financial strain.

The Solution

NABI didn’t just identify the problem; they engineered a solution that would revolutionize the industry. Enter fiberglass — a corrosion-resistant marvel that would change the game forever.

With fiberglass, gone were the days of costly preventive measures. Instead, only damaged parts needed replacement, slashing maintenance costs and streamlining operations.

But the benefits didn’t stop there. By adopting fiberglass, NABI also tackled the issue of fuel consumption head-on. Lighter than steel by a staggering 30–35%, fiberglass buses not only guzzled less fuel but also emitted fewer pollutants, addressing growing concerns about environmental sustainability.

Fast forward to the present, and the fruits of NABI’s labor are abundantly clear. Recently, the company was acquired for a staggering $1 billion plus — a testament to the transformative power of holistic innovation.

Final words

Let the story of NABI serve as a beacon of inspiration for us all. By daring to think beyond the conventional, by embracing innovation at every turn, we unlock boundless opportunities for growth and prosperity.

So let us become inspired by NABI’s journey and dare to chart our own path to greatness. For in the realm of business, as in life, it is those who dare to dream, to innovate, and to challenge the status quo, who ultimately emerge victorious.

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