Why requirements elicitation is important

Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2023


Requirements elicitation is a critical phase in any project, be it developing a new smartphone, designing a car, or creating any other gadget.

It is the process of gathering and defining the essential needs and expectations that a product or system must meet to deliver value.

We will delve into the importance of requirements elicitation, its key principles, and how it contributes to delivering successful products.

Why requirements elicitation is important

It’s important to understand that requirements elicitation is not a mere process of collecting a wish list from users.

It goes beyond that.

It involves defining the user experience we intend to deliver, aligning it with our brand identity, and strategically determining which features are truly relevant.

Achieving this requires a methodical approach.

To effectively elicit requirements, we must consider two perspectives:

that of the customer, who defines what holds value for them, and that of the supplier, who brings expertise and innovation to the table.

Value, in this context, is subjective and exists in the eye of the beholder — the customer.


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