You Have Been Working with KPIs Wrongly — This is Why

Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2023


Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the backbone of analytics, offering simple values with a complex background that communicates essential information.

However, the love-hate relationship with KPIs stems from their potential pitfalls — looking at the wrong data, susceptibility to manipulation, or focusing on irrelevant information.

Let’s explore how we can transform KPIs into meaningful tools that drive success.

Writing KPI'S

Understanding KPIs

At its core, a KPI is a measurable metrics that demonstrates a company's or department’s progress toward a strategic goal.

Unlike everyday business metrics that give a complete picture of events, KPIs specifically target key data representing progress. These metrics should help teams focus on what truly matters, separating signal from noise.

KPIs come in various types, including process, inputs, outputs, outcomes, and project indicators.

For instance, in a project to build and deliver a dashboard, process KPIs measure weekly development items completed, input KPIs gauge data quality in sources, output KPIs assess data quality in the…

