Medium, Youtube & a Timeline for Articles

Dr. Analyze
Analytical Madness
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2 min readJan 1, 2022

Hello my lovely audience,

It is your god here, Dr. Analyze.

And I have the honour to inform you of some of my plans for Analytical Madness going forward.

As many of you are probably aware, I have an Analytical Madness Youtube channel in addition to this Medium account. For 2 years I mostly posted the audio versions of articles there each with a still image. However, for my last video I actually, well, made it a video. With moving images and everything! This video did quite well and so, as a result, I am considering making more such videos in the future, at least for a time, to see if they are better received instead of doing more audio-only videos.

The downside to this is that it will probably slow down the rate at which I can produce this content. And so I have come up with a plan of plans.

For the foreseable future, whenever I write a new article, I will publish it here on Medium first and only later publish the video version on Youtube. This means all of my lovely followers here will get the article way in advance of my Youtube subscribers.

Of course, for Youtube subscribers who are patient, the Youtube version will, well, be an actual video.

So if you want to read the articles early, by all means follow us here. If you’re more into the video and wish to hear my lovely voice, subscribe to our Youtube channel. Or, better yet, why not both? Twice the Analyze!

This is a gift I give to you, audience, for the new year. The gift of Analyze.

Happy New Year,

Lord Dr. Analyze



Dr. Analyze
Analytical Madness

Writing about society, politics and a hefty dose of fiction.