Doing Analytics & AI work for the many…

AI in Banking. Part 1.

Nima Ghorbani
Swedbank AI
2 min readJan 27, 2019


Being one of the largest banks in the Nordics means that we attract a lot of positive (and sometimes negative) attention. Often people are genuinely curious about the work we do and how we, as one of the largest financial players, will impact the industry.

As Head of Analytics & AI at Swedbank, I have been involved in setting up, organizing, leading and operationalizing our AI ambition during the past five years. It’s been challenging and yet rewarding at the same time. Our operation encompasses more than four countries, 7 million private customers, a couple of hundred thousands of smaller corporates, billions of transactions, terabytes of web interactions, thousands of business processes and millions of lines of code. We have built up a modern tech stack, done investments in infrastructure and platform, recruited data scientists, ML engineers and AI researchers, adopted agile methodology and are automating our DevOps processes. All together, we run an AI shop of significant size and scope. During this journey we have succeeded and failed as a team and learned our lessons, therefore you could say we have lots of stories to tell.

In this series of blog posts and articles, we will share what we do in this fascinating — and let’s be honest, a bit hyped up — area, to our customers, fellow data scientists out there and anyone else interested in understanding what it means to actually try to make reality of this potentially(!) disruptive force of technology. What challenges we face every day and what success stories we have lived through, so far…

To satisfy the data scientist crowd we also do deep dives in machine learning and deep learning topics from our daily work as well as the research we present at conferences.

So with that, stay tuned for more from Analytics & AI in Swedbank.


