Google Analytics with Ensighten TMS

How to setup google analytics tracking with Ensighten TMS

Julien Kervizic
Hacking Analytics


In a previous post I explained what was a data layer and a tag management system. One of the use case for it is the integration google analytics. Ensighten is an entreprise level tag management system. In this post, I will walk through what is required to setup google analytics without your website using that Ensighten as a tag management system.

Data Layer

In order to setup google analytics with Ensighten it is necessary to have a datalayer setup on your website. Unlike most other tag management system ensighten doesn’t need the data contained in the data layer to be present in a specific javascript object, but can source data from any javascript object available within your page.

The different data points being provided do however need to conform to the requirements provided by Google for integration of the different into google analytics enhanced ecommerce.

Data Definition



Julien Kervizic
Hacking Analytics

Living at the interstice of business, data and technology | Head of Data at iptiQ by SwissRe | previously at Facebook, Amazon |