Data Points for the Week of December 11th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

Customers are People Too, Treat Them Like it| The Benefits of Maintaining a Simple Site| Four Dangerous Data Analysis Pitfalls

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
2 min readDec 13, 2017


  1. Four key traits of ‘human’ brands- Nearly every action business owners take is done with the intent of maximizing profit. That’s all well and good but it would also behoove them to remember that their customers aren’t just money bags- they’re real people. Tapping into emotional data, being ready to help, speaking like a real person, and admitting their flaws can help businesses achieve this and make their customers more comfortable than ever (and maybe lead to more profit :)).
  2. Why Websites with Simple Designs Have Higher Conversion Rates- Building a website is tough and expensive, especially when owners opt for complex and intricate designs but I have some good news. Your site needs to be neither complex nor intricate to work. In fact, by keeping it simple you can decrease load time and clarify your CTA among other benefits. Check it out.
  3. Customer Acquisition Strategies That Won’t Break the Bank- Customer acquisition is a key part of any business strategy. By enticing more customers you can make sure your business continues to grow rather than stagnate. But doing so ain’t cheap. This guide walks you through some efficient and effective ways to acquire new customers without breaking the bank.
  4. Don’t Be Fooled by Data: 4 Data Analysis Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them- Data analysis is all the rage and for good reason- it can help uncover exciting insights that, when acted upon, improve the performance of your business. But, if done improperly, it can also lead you to take misguided actions that hurt rather than help. Make sure you don’t fall into some of the most common pitfalls of data analysis.
  5. Why You Want to Customize Google Analytics Channels (And How)- I’ve gone over this before. Google Analytics is great for many reasons and you should use it. One tool in particular that has a lot of value is the ability to track channel attribution and customize them yourself. This quick guide shows you exactly how to do just that.

Thanks folks, happy Decemberrrrr (it’s cold).

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯