Data Points for the Week of December 4th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

How to Improve Your CTR|They Key to Effective and Efficient Content Marketing| 8 Marketing Mistakes You’d do Best to Avoid

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
3 min readDec 7, 2017


Hello netizens! It is I, Zach, and I am here to welcome you to another week of Data Points- let’s begin.

  1. Only 29% of influencer campaigns use trackable URLs for attribution- Every day hundreds of millions of people spend untold amounts of time on social media. Their attention is a valuable commodity and advertisers are trying to capture it as evidenced by the transition of spend from traditional methods to social media influencers. Their efficacy is far from proven but one way companies are keeping track is through trackable URLs. Check out this article for a broader overview of the evolution of influencer campaigns.
  2. 7 Inventive Ways to Improve Your Organic CTR Using Google Search Console- The world is awash in metrics and it’s sometimes tough to figure out which ones matter but CTR isn’t one of them. Improving this number can help improve your brand awareness as well as your SEO ranking so given the chance you should raise yours. What’s that? You don’t know how to do that? Fear not: this article will guide you through the process. Take a look.
  3. 8 of the Biggest Marketing Mistakes We’ve Ever Seen- The jury is out on whether marketing is more of an art or a science but one thing we can agree on is that it requires a fair bit of creativity. Oftentimes that leads to good results but, when done poorly, it can also be really really bad. Take a look at some of the worst marketing mistakes of the recent past and make sure you don’t make the same errors.
  4. The Hub-and-Spoke Method of Guest Posting: Do More With Less Effort- You’ve heard the spiel about content marketing before. It helps you create a following, earn credibility, and establish yourself as an expert in the field. A great strategy to improve your brand in each of these ways more effectively is to guest blog. This can take a bit of time but by following the hub-and-spoke method you can do it effectively and efficiently.
  5. What’s now and next in analytics, AI, and automation- The world economy is moving into a new era of analytics, AI, and automation and make no mistake about it: it will absolutely change the way we live and work. The changes are coming soon and they will be drastic, this article gives you a general overview of what to expect and how you can prepare.

And there you have it, the best of the internet in five articles :). Have a good rest of the week!

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯