Data Points for the Week of January 15th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

The Big Changes Coming to the News Feed | The True Worth of Buzzwords | The Key to a Great Google “My Business” Listing

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
2 min readJan 19, 2018


Peek-a-boo! I’m back. A little later than planned but sometimes that’s just how life goes.

  1. Facebook’s News Feed Will Once Again Focus on Friends and Family:
    Facebook has long been one of the more crucial platforms in the online marketing ecosystem and as long as that holds true it’s essential that marketers keep up to date with its updates. The latest change has to do with the information provided in the News Feed. This article details what will change and how you should adjust your strategy to retain maximum effectiveness.
  2. How I Learned the Hard Way Not to Associate My Company With Buzzwords:
    “Growth hacking”, “cross functional”, and other buzzwords might sound good in passing but in practice they’re truly bland and confusing. Rather than describe anything really worthwhile their overuse strips of them of their meaning so they often provide no value at all. Spend time thinking of truly informative words rather than lazy buzzwords, your customers will thank you.
  3. How HubSpot’s Pricing Page Redesign Increased MQL Conversions by 165% & Free Sign-Ups by 89%:
    I’ve seen more articles on how to best design a website than I can count but this one stands above the rest. It takes a very specific example and describes each stage of the redesign in detail. This in depth look will give you a chance to extract actionable insights without becoming overwhelmed.
  4. SEO trends and Google changes to expect in 2018:
    Prediction articles are all the rage this January and, while they’re not all correct, they do a decent job of identifying influential developments in the industry. If nothing else, this article will prepare you for whats coming and thats worth something. Never be caught flat footed.
  5. How to Optimize Your Google “My Business” Listing:
    The Google “My Business” Listing is a quick and easy way for consumers to get a look at what a business has to offer but it doesn’t appear automatically. It’s up to the business owner to ensure it provides accurate information and convenient functionality. Check out the options you have to customize and choose the features that work for you.

I hope you enjoyed! I’ll be back next week, I promise.

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯