Data Points for the Week of November 13th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

The Keys to a Great Logo and 8 Stellar Examples|The Tool that Will Change the Game of Data Analytics | Optimizing Ecommerce During the Holiday Season

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
2 min readNov 15, 2017


Hello web surfers! I know it’s not Monday anymore but I figured Tuesday needed some Data Points love. ON TO THE GOOD STUFF.

  1. How to Build Hype for the Holiday Season as an Ecommerce Brand- Ecommerce is hard to do well but if there was ever a time to up your game and take advantage of the platform it’s now. The holiday season is a season of opportunity for ecommerce stores and a season of spending for consumers. Make sure you take advantage of the most wonderful time of the year by planning ahead, focusing on your pricing strategy, and knowing your audience, among other tips.
  2. The 8 Best Startup Logos From Shark Tank, and Why They Work- While logos aren’t integral to the operation of your business, they do play a key role in representing your company to the consumer and building brand recognition. However, not just any design will do. Good logos are simple, sleek, and unique. Check out 8 of the best from Shark Tank and use them as inspiration to build your own.
  3. 7 Must-Read Books From Entrepreneurs in the Trenches- While entrepreneurs often find themselves in a time crunch one thing they should never forego is reading as it provides the invaluable opportunity to learn from others’ experiences. This can lead to new ideas and ways of thinking that will serve them well when running their own business.
  4. The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do Is Be Yourself- Life is hard and its even harder if you constantly doubt your capabilities and compare yourself to others. Fortunately, there’s a simple (if not so easy) fix. Don’t do it. Instead, focus on your strengths and goals so that you can run a focused and confident campaign for success. It worked for Cyndie Spiegel, why not you?
  5. Augmented Analytics Demystified- Data analysis and data science are all the rage right now but for many companies they remain out of reach. This is due in part to the prohibitively expensive price tag of data scientists as well as it’s repetitive and time consuming nature. However, never fear: augmented analytics engines are coming. These will not only speed up the process of data analysis and bring it’s price tag down but also make it more effective than ever. Check it out.

Take this knowledge forth and show Tuesday everything it’s been missing. Talk to you next week!

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯