Data Points for the Week of November 6th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

The Importance of Brands in the Digital Age| The Wonder of Writing and How to Do it Well| A Guide to Email Marketing

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
3 min readNov 7, 2017


Hi Friends! Happy November the 6th! That day means nothing to me! I like writing with exclamation points! Let’s get started!

  1. Using Marketing Analytics to Win at Email Marketing- I know, I know. You get it. Email marketing is both effective and efficient and you should use it more often. Countless articles tell us this but few tell us how. The good news is this one does. Read about how choosing a vendor, knowing your goals, moving beyond basic data, using your data, and testing and analyzing can help make your email marketing as great as all of those articles claim it can be.
  2. How a Structured E-Commerce Testing Plan Leads to Quick & Stable Wins- The importance of testing is another one of those platitudes that is often screamed from the rooftops with little guidance on how to actually get it done. This article (ta dah!) helps with that by outlining a clear method that not only showcases the best way to run your tests but presents a method that will allow you to do it quickly and efficiently using a testing program.
  3. Should I Hire an In-House Digital Marketing Specialist or Tap an Agency for Help?- The digital marketing landscape is seeing some big changes and it’s seeing them quickly. Businesses know they must adapt to keep up but they don’t always know how. By asking questions about your objectives, expertise, industry, bandwidth, and budget you’ll be able to understand the pros and cons of each option and make the call that will keep your business competitive for the foreseeable future.
  4. How to Write Well: 10 Timeless Rules From Legendary Ad Exec David Ogilvy- Writing allows you to transfer powerful information straight from your mind to your customers thoughts. That’s a superpower you would do well to take advantage of but it takes skill. Check out some tips from David Ogilvy on how to make sure your writing is exceptional.
  5. Is Yours a Digitally Born business? What? You Haven’t Yet Embraced Your Brand?- The dawn of silicon valley also saw the start of an era in which companies didn’t believe they needed to nurture a brand to survive. This worked for some but in the long run it’s not only unproductive, it’s untenable. Take a look at some of the benefits that creating a strong brand can provide for companies in the digital age.

I! Hope! You! Enjoyed! Now go apply your knowledge to the world (or your business, whatever works)!

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯