Data Points for the Week of September 18th: 5 Must-Read Articles in Marketing Analytics

Why Your Company Needs a Strong Digital Policy | The Power of True Constructive Criticism | The Importance of Context When Analyzing Data

Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans
3 min readSep 18, 2017


Hi friends, it’s September 18th today which means absolutely nothing except that yesterday was the 17th and tomorrow is the 19th. Let’s get on with it.

  1. 5 Lies You Tell Yourself About Your Analytics (And How to Fix It)- It’s important to take data into account when making business decisions but to do so blindly and without an eye to context is a mistake that can lead to the wrong move. Five stats in particular (conversions, traffic, high level numbers, A/B results, and channel attribution) are often taken at face value but they shouldn’t be. Read on to find out why and how you can extract real value from them.
  2. Four Facebook Remarketing Ads That Enhance E-Commerce Revenue- Facebook is a land of opportunity for marketers and they often run ad campaigns to try and capture the audience it provides. However, since a consumer interacts with a brand, on average, 7–13 times before they make a purchase it’s useful to continue hitting them once the ad campaign is over. One way to do this is through Facebook re-targeting strategies. Here’s how.
  3. What Sheryl Sandberg Taught Me About Giving Criticism- Criticism is a crucially important part of any improvement process however, when given without tact it can do more harm than good. That’s why it’s necessary to approach criticism with “radical candor”. By doing so you can showcase a caring and personal attitude that re-assures the recipient of the advice while simultaneously clearly and constructively pointing out what can be improved.
  4. How to Map Behavioral Metrics Into Your Key Business Drivers- Using data, it’s possible to calculate many useful metrics but trying to keep track of too many at once can be inefficient and counterproductive. Rather, you should key in on your specific goal (such as revenue, number of active users, or customer loyalty) and focus on the metrics that are directly reflective of those priorities. This will drive more effective and focused decision making.
  5. How to Protect Customer Data — and Your Company- With the recent news about the massive Equifax data breach creating and maintaining a solid digital policy for your company is more important than ever. Not only will this lead to consumer trust but it will also ensure your company’s digital presence is secure, each of which are crucial to running a succesful business. This article will run you through how to do just that by focusing on data collection, regulatory requirements, and incident monitoring and response among many other steps.

I hope you enjoyed! Have a good Monday and put this information to good use.

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Zach Diamond
Analytics for Humans

Sometimes I write things, sometimes I make jokes, and sometimes I play with data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯