Let’s make Digital Marketing completely transparent

Announcing the “The Great Humanlytics Experiment”

Bill Su
Analytics for Humans
5 min readAug 28, 2018


Readers of the Analytics for Humans publication, I have a confession to make.

Coming from business analytics and data science backgrounds, we pride ourselves in being experts in both the technical and the business side of tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Ads.

However, in all honesty, our experiences in implementing end-to-end digital marketing initiatives are limited.

This lack of implementation expertise has been a HUGE pain that weighs heavily on our mind — we not only want to tutorials to help you understand how you to use analytics tools, but also help you improve your digital presence by converting insights from those tools into real actions and results.

The best way to make up for that shortcoming is to take actions to make up for it, and that’s what we are going to do — announcing the “Great Humanlytics Experiment.”

The “Great Humanlytics Experiment”

At Humanlytics, when we know we lack expertise in some areas, we will do everything we can to BECOME the expert by ruthlessly learning and pursue knowledge in the field.

With that spirit, starting this week, we are going to start questioning and remaking ALL aspects of our digital presence and measurement framework, in an attempt to construct an extraordinary lead generation system for our upcoming Dataslinger app (being released late this year).

Even more, in this experiment, we are making everything digital marketing in Humanlytics transparent to you — the audiences. This include our digital marketing strategy, our content calendar, our scheduled social media posts, and our analytics.

The motivation here is simple — we want to learn WITH and FROM you and offer you the opportunity to watch an extraordinary (hopefully), data-driven lead-gen system come into place.

Throughout the process, you can understand how to incorporate digital analytics practices that are working for us in your businesses, and dodge mistakes we might be making along the way.

In this experiment, we do not promise that everything we do is correct.

In fact, based on the history of running marketing with various talented marketing managers at Humanlytics, I would say that 80% of the decisions we make in this experiment are going to be incorrect and questionable — but it is the 20% that matters

But hey, that’s the nature of experiments, and as long as we hold a firm grasp of our performance data, it can help us identify those incorrect decisions quickly so we can make adjustment before they cause significant impacts on our marketing presence — and we will have everything documented so you can do similar things to your business as well.

One topic at a time, and we are going hella into the numbers

For those of you who are experienced in digital marketing, you probably know that end-to-end digital marketing is an extremely complicated field, requiring a lot of knowledge in different areas, and a keen mind to be data-driven at every single step.

For this reason, we are NOT going to be able to establish a mature implementation and measurement framework for our digital marketing efforts in one week. Instead, we are going to focus on doing ONE thing really well each week, and go from there.

For each of those topics, we are going to add onto it by inventing (and stealing) measurement frameworks to show you how data for various elements of digital marketing, ranging from digital strategy to daily posting, can be systematically collected, tested, and used to better your understanding of your audiences.

In addition, we are going to bring back our interview series, with guests who are experts in those specific areas of digital marketing — to further our learning and delivery focused value to you.

Our first topic is digital marketing strategy

Like all great digital marketing initiatives, we are going to start by establishing a compelling digital strategy that is closely tied to our audiences.

We are going to draw heavily from the work of strategy giants like Michael Porter (who’s book I happen to be reading), McKinsey and company, and combine those insights with digital marketing specific insights from the like of Neil Patel and Avinash Kaushik.

Most importantly, I will show you how our KPIs in digital marketing is closely tied to our marketing strategy, and the measurement framework we use to prevent vanity metrics from creeping into our data analytics.

Honestly, I am not sure how many articles I need to write to cover all of these topics — I will just write stuff down as I am working on our strategy, and see where it leads us.

Your participation is at the center of this

I am confident that a lot of you in the audience are probably a LOT more experienced in some of the topic than we are, so we need YOUR help and suggestions to make our digital marketing efforts better and more adherent to best practices.

We fully understand, as science nerds, that by asking you to join us in this experiment we are creating a colossal logic paradox: we are making our community help us to engage our community better so we can better engage our community (and turtle all the way down).

However, you know what? I am a fun loving millennial, and I hate following rules, so let’s take this idea out for a stroll and see where we get with it :D.

Join our Facebook group, join the fun, expect to hear from me in the next couple of days.

Peace out!



Bill Su
Analytics for Humans

CEO, Humanlytics. Bringing data analytics to everyone.