The 13 Git Commands I Use Daily

Felix Otoo
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
8 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

As a Software Engineer one of the tools I interact with on a daily basis is Git. Git is a Version Control System(VCS). A VCS is simply put a software that tracks changes in developers code making it possible to move back and forth on these changes. There are a number of VCS out in the wild, but the most popular among developers is Git.

Everyday at work I find myself using the following Git commands to get my work done. I’m sure you’re already using these commands as well, if not then you can count it your lucky day. You’re welcome to the 13 Git Commands I Use Daily.

#1 Initializing a new repository

I use this command to create a new Git repository. A repository could be for a project or a python package I’m working. A project could typically be a backend project I’m a working on in Flask or Fast API; and if I’m developing something frontend related, maybe VueJS or Angular

Before you initialize a new repository, first change directory into the project folder and run the command below

git init

A git init will initialize your project folder as a Git repository by generating a hidden folder .git inside your project folder. This .git folder contains all essentials needed for version controlling your new project.

