25 fun questions for a machine learning interview

Can machine learning interview questions be funny and deep at the same time?

Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Analytics Vidhya


Image source: https://xkcd.com/1838/

Many of the data scientists study machine learning (ML) mostly from a data practitioner’s point of view. Consequently, it is possible that we focus on learning about as many new packages, frameworks, techniques as possible and concentrate less on a deep examination of the core theoretical aspects. And, here my definition of machine learning encompasses all of the standard statistical learning (i.e. it does not constitute only deep learning).

However, probing and contemplating with some effort, one can come up with so many wonderful ML questions, which, when answered and analyzed, can reveal deeper aspects beautifully. Basically, these questions may help us to get our head out of this pile shown above. We just do not want to stir a data set all day long, we want to dive deep into the properties, quirks, and intricacies of machine learning techniques and embrace them…

After all, there are plenty of article on the internet about “standard interview questions for machine learning”. Can we do little different and interesting?

Disclaimer: I am just posting the questions for thinking and stimulating discussion. No ready-made answer is given. Some questions have a…



Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Analytics Vidhya

Sr. Director of AI/ML platform | Stories on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and ML | Speaker, Open-source contributor, Author of multiple DS books