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5 Machine Learning Regression Algorithms You Need to Know

Yes, Linear Regression isn’t the only one

Andre Ye
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
8 min readMay 19, 2020


Quick! Name five machine learning algorithms.

Chances are that not very many of them are regression algorithms. After all, the only widely popularized regression algorithm is linear regression, mostly because of its simplicity. However, linear regression is very often not applicable to real-world data because of its basic capabilities and limited freedom of movement. It is really only often used as a baseline model to evaluate and compare to new approaches in research.

Here are 5 regression algorithms that you should have in your toolbox along with popularized classification algorithms like SVM, decision tree, and neural networks.

1 | Neural Network Regression


Neural Networks are incredibly powerful, but they are usually used for classification. Signals pass through layers of neurons and are generalized into one of several classes. However, they can be very quickly adapted into regression models by changing the last activation function.

Each neuron passes values from the previous connection through an activation function, serving the purpose of generalization and nonlinearity. Usually, the…

