5 Steps to Success in Data Governance Programs

Graham Waters
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2020


What steps does an organization need to take in order for it to create and maintain a successful data governance program?

What exactly does a successful data governance program look like? Author Bhansali (2014) defines data governance as “the systematic management of information to achieve objectives that are clearly aligned with and contribute to the organization’s objectives” (p.9). So, a successful data governance program is one that achieves these aligned objectives and furthers the interests of the organization to which it is applied. In our reading for this week (Bhansali, 2014) outlined several key steps in the creation of data governance platforms. These steps are by no means an exhaustive road-map for a perfect data governance platform, nor are they necessarily chronological. Still, they do provide a launching point for useful discussion.

Step 1 —
A data governance program must be aligned with any existing business strategies. This also involves being aware of the vision of the future that guides and defines the business (p.7). If Apple were the company under consideration, you might think of their vision being an iPhone in the pocket of every person on earth.

Step 2 —
Create a clear and logical model of the data governance process that is specific to your organization. This…

