8 Week SQL Challenge: Case Study #1 Danny’s Diner

Katie Huang Xiemin
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
11 min readJul 15, 2021
Source: https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-1/

Please note that the case study information provided below has been sourced from the following link: https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-1/

This post is also published here on GitHub.

Case Study Introduction

Danny seriously loves Japanese food so in the beginning of 2021, he decides to embark upon a risky venture and opens up a cute little restaurant that sells his 3 favourite foods: sushi, curry and ramen.

Danny’s Diner is in need of your assistance to help the restaurant stay afloat — the restaurant has captured some very basic data from their few months of operation but have no idea how to use their data to help them run the business.

Problem Statement

Danny wants to use the data to answer a few simple questions about his customers, especially about their

  • visiting patterns,
  • how much money they’ve spent, and
  • which menu items are their favourite.

Having this deeper connection with his customers will help him deliver a better and more personalised experience for his loyal customers.

He plans on using these insights to help him decide whether he should expand the existing customer loyalty program — additionally he needs help to generate some basic datasets so his team can easily inspect the data without needing to use SQL.

The data set contains the following 3 tables which you may refer to the relationship diagram below to understand the connection.

  • sales
  • members
  • menu

Table Relationship

Question and Solution

I am utilizing PostgreSQL to solve these questions.

You can join along and do the questions with me on DB Fiddle.

  1. What is the total amount each customer spent at the restaurant?

Using JOIN, merge dannys_diner.sales and dannys_diner.menu tables as customer_id and price fields are from both tables.

Then, calculate the total sales contributed by each customer using SUM() and group the aggregated results by sales.customer_id.`

SUM(menu.price) AS total_sales
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
GROUP BY sales.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.customer_id;


  • Customer A spent $76.
  • Customer B spent $74.
  • Customer C spent $36.

2. How many days has each customer visited the restaurant?

To determine the unique number of visits for each customer, utilize COUNT(DISTINCT order_date).

It’s important to apply the DISTINCT keyword while calculating the visit count to avoid duplicate counting of days. For instance, if Customer A visited the restaurant twice on ‘2021–01–07’, counting without DISTINCT would result in 2 days instead of the accurate count of 1 day.

COUNT(DISTINCT order_date) AS visit_count
FROM dannys_diner.sales
GROUP BY customer_id;


  • Customer A visited 4 times.
  • Customer B visited 6 times.
  • Customer C visited 2 times.

3. What was the first item from the menu purchased by each customer?

  • Create a Common Table Expression (CTE) called ordered_sales_cte. Within the CTE, create a new column rank and calculate the row number using DENSE_RANK() window function. The PARTITION BY clause divides the data by customer_id, and the ORDER BY clause orders the rows within each partition by order_date.
  • In the outer query, select the appropriate columns and apply a filter in the WHERE clause to retrieve only the rows where the rank column equals 1, which represents the first row within each customer_id partition.
  • Use the GROUP BY clause to group the result by customer_id and product_name.
WITH ordered_sales AS (
PARTITION BY sales.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.order_date) AS rank
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id

FROM ordered_sales
WHERE rank = 1
GROUP BY customer_id, product_name;


  • Customer A’s first order are curry and sushi.
  • Customer B’s first order is curry.
  • Customer C’s first order is ramen.

I received multiple feedback suggesting the use of ROW_NUMBER() instead of DENSE_RANK() for determining the "first order" in this question.

However, since the order_date does not have a timestamp, it is impossible to determine the exact sequence of items ordered by the customer.

Therefore, it would be inaccurate to conclude that curry is the customer’s first order purely based on the alphabetical order of the product names. For this reason, I maintain my solution of using DENSE_RANK() and consider both curry and sushi as Customer A's first order.

4. What is the most purchased item on the menu and how many times was it purchased by all customers?

  • Perform a COUNT() aggregation on the product_id column and order the result in descending order using most_purchasedfield.
  • Apply the LIMIT 1 clause to filter and retrieve the highest number of purchased items.
COUNT(sales.product_id) AS most_purchased_item
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
GROUP BY menu.product_name
ORDER BY most_purchased_item DESC


  • The most purchased item on the menu is ramen which is 8 times. Yummy!

5. Which item was the most popular for each customer?

  • Create a CTE named fav_item_cte and within the CTE, join the menu table and sales table using the product_id column.
  • Group results by sales.customer_id and menu.product_name and calculate the count of menu.product_id occurrences for each group.
  • Utilize the DENSE_RANK() window function to calculate the ranking of each sales.customer_id partition based on the count of orders COUNT(sales.customer_id) in descending order.
  • In the outer query, select the appropriate columns and apply a filter in the WHERE clause to retrieve only the rows where the rank column equals 1, representing the rows with the highest order count for each customer.
WITH most_popular AS (
COUNT(menu.product_id) AS order_count,
PARTITION BY sales.customer_id
ORDER BY COUNT(sales.customer_id) DESC) AS rank
FROM dannys_diner.menu
JOIN dannys_diner.sales
ON menu.product_id = sales.product_id
GROUP BY sales.customer_id, menu.product_name

FROM most_popular
WHERE rank = 1;

Each user may have more than 1 favourite item.


  • Customer A and C’s favourite item is ramen.
  • Customer B enjoys all items on the menu. He/she is a true foodie.

6. Which item was purchased first by the customer after they became a member?

  • Create a CTE named joined_as_member and within the CTE, select the appropriate columns and calculate the row number using the ROW_NUMBER() window function. The PARTITION BY clause divides the data by members.customer_id and the ORDER BY clause orders the rows within each members.customer_id partition by sales.order_date.
  • Join tables dannys_diner.members and dannys_diner.sales on customer_id column. Additionally, apply a condition to only include sales that occurred after the member's join_date (sales.order_date > members.join_date).
  • In the outer query, join the joined_as_member CTE with the dannys_diner.menu on the product_id column.
  • In the WHERE clause, filter to retrieve only the rows where the row_num column equals 1, representing the first row within each customer_id partition.
  • Order result by customer_id in ascending order.
WITH joined_as_member AS (
PARTITION BY members.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.order_date) AS row_num
FROM dannys_diner.members
JOIN dannys_diner.sales
ON members.customer_id = sales.customer_id
AND sales.order_date > members.join_date

FROM joined_as_member
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON joined_as_member.product_id = menu.product_id
WHERE row_num = 1
ORDER BY customer_id ASC;


  • Customer A’s first order as a member is ramen.
  • Customer B’s first order as a member is sushi.

7. Which item was purchased just before the customer became a member?

Basically, this is a reversal of Question #6.

  • Create a CTE called purchased_prior_member.
  • In the CTE, select the appropriate columns and calculate the rank using the ROW_NUMBER() window function. The rank is determined based on the order dates of the sales in descending order within each customer’s group.
  • Join dannys_diner.members table with dannys_diner.sales table based on the customer_id column, only including sales that occurred before the customer joined as a member (sales.order_date < members.join_date).
  • Join purchased_prior_member CTE with dannys_diner.menu table based on product_id column.
  • Filter the result set to include only the rows where the rank is 1, representing the earliest purchase made by each customer before they became a member.
  • Sort the result by customer_id in ascending order.
WITH purchased_prior_member AS (
PARTITION BY members.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.order_date DESC) AS rank
FROM dannys_diner.members
JOIN dannys_diner.sales
ON members.customer_id = sales.customer_id
AND sales.order_date < members.join_date

FROM purchased_prior_member AS p_member
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON p_member.product_id = menu.product_id
WHERE rank = 1
ORDER BY p_member.customer_id ASC;


  • Both customers’ last order before becoming members are sushi. That must have been a really good sushi!

8. What is the total items and amount spent for each member before they became a member?

  • Select the columns sales.customer_id and calculate the count of sales.product_id as total_items for each customer and the sum of menu.price as total_sales.
  • From dannys_diner.sales table, join dannys_diner.members table on customer_id column, ensuring that sales.order_date is earlier than members.join_date (sales.order_date < members.join_date).
  • Then, join dannys_diner.menu table to dannys_diner.sales table on product_id column.
  • Group the results by sales.customer_id and order the result in ascending order.
COUNT(sales.product_id) AS total_items,
SUM(menu.price) AS total_sales
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN dannys_diner.members
ON sales.customer_id = members.customer_id
AND sales.order_date < members.join_date
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
GROUP BY sales.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.customer_id;


Before becoming members,

  • Customer A spent $25 on 2 items.
  • Customer B spent $40 on 3 items.

9. If each $1 spent equates to 10 points and sushi has a 2x points multiplier — how many points would each customer have?

Let’s break down the question to understand the point calculation for each customer’s purchases.

Each $1 spent = 10 points. However, product_id 1 sushi gets 2x points, so each $1 spent = 20 points.

Here’s how the calculation is performed using a conditional CASE statement:

  • If product_id = 1, multiply every $1 by 20 points.
  • Otherwise, multiply $1 by 10 points.

Then, calculate the total points for each customer.

WITH points_cte AS (
WHEN product_id = 1 THEN price * 20
ELSE price * 10
END AS points
FROM dannys_diner.menu

SUM(points_cte.points) AS total_points
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN points_cte
ON sales.product_id = points_cte.product_id
GROUP BY sales.customer_id
ORDER BY sales.customer_id;


  • The total points for Customers A, B and C are $860, $940 and $360.

10. In the first week after a customer joins the program (including their join date) they earn 2x points on all items, not just sushi — how many points do customer A and B have at the end of January?


  • On Day -X to Day 1 (the day a customer becomes a member), each $1 spent earns 10 points. However, for sushi, each $1 spent earns 20 points.
  • From Day 1 to Day 7 (the first week of membership), each $1 spent for any item earns 20 points.
  • From Day 8 to the last day of January 2021, each $1 spent earns 10 points. However, sushi continues to earn double the points at 20 points per $1 spent.


  • Create a CTE called dates_cte.
  • In dates_cte, calculate the valid_date by adding 6 days to the join_date and determine the last_date of the month by subtracting 1 day from the last day of January 2021.
  • From dannys_diner.sales table, join dates_cte on customer_id column, ensuring that the order_date of the sale is not later than the last_date (sales.order_date <= dates.last_date).
  • Then, join dannys_diner.menu table based on the product_id column.
  • In the outer query, calculate the points by using a CASE statement to determine the points based on our assumptions above.
  • If the product_name is 'sushi', multiply the price by 2 and then by 10. For orders placed between join_date and valid_date, also multiply the price by 2 and then by 10.
  • For all other products, multiply the price by 10.
  • Calculate the sum of points for each customer.
WITH dates_cte AS (
join_date + 6 AS valid_date,
'month', '2021-01-31'::DATE)
+ interval '1 month'
- interval '1 day' AS last_date
FROM dannys_diner.members

WHEN menu.product_name = 'sushi' THEN 2 * 10 * menu.price
WHEN sales.order_date BETWEEN dates.join_date AND dates.valid_date THEN 2 * 10 * menu.price
ELSE 10 * menu.price END) AS points
FROM dannys_diner.sales
JOIN dates_cte AS dates
ON sales.customer_id = dates.customer_id
AND sales.order_date <= dates.last_date
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
GROUP BY sales.customer_id;


  • Customer A has 1,370 points.
  • Customer B has 820 points.

Bonus Questions

Join All The Things

Recreate the table with: customer_id, order_date, product_name, price, member (Y/N)

WHEN members.join_date > sales.order_date THEN 'N'
WHEN members.join_date <= sales.order_date THEN 'Y'
ELSE 'N' END AS member_status
FROM dannys_diner.sales
LEFT JOIN dannys_diner.members
ON sales.customer_id = members.customer_id
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
ORDER BY members.customer_id, sales.order_date

Rank All The Things

Danny also requires further information about the ranking of customer products, but he purposely does not need the ranking for non-member purchases so he expects null ranking values for the records when customers are not yet part of the loyalty program.

WITH customers_data AS (
WHEN members.join_date > sales.order_date THEN 'N'
WHEN members.join_date <= sales.order_date THEN 'Y'
ELSE 'N' END AS member_status
FROM dannys_diner.sales
LEFT JOIN dannys_diner.members
ON sales.customer_id = members.customer_id
JOIN dannys_diner.menu
ON sales.product_id = menu.product_id
ORDER BY members.customer_id, sales.order_date

WHEN member_status = 'N' then NULL
PARTITION BY customer_id, member_status
ORDER BY order_date) END AS ranking
FROM customers_data;


From the analysis, we discover a few interesting insights that would be certainly useful for Danny.

  • Customer B is the most frequent visitor with 6 visits in Jan 2021.
  • Danny’s Diner’s most popular item is ramen, followed by curry and sushi.
  • Customer A and C loves ramen whereas Customer B seems to enjoy sushi, curry and ramen equally. Who knows, I might be Customer B!
  • Customer A is the 1st member of Danny’s Diner and his first order is curry. Gotta fulfill his curry cravings!
  • The last item ordered by Customers A and B before they became members are sushi and curry. Does it mean both of these items are the deciding factor? It must be really delicious for them to sign up as members!
  • Before they became members, both Customers A and B spent $25 and $40.
  • Throughout Jan 2021, their points for Customer A: 860, Customer B: 940 and Customer C: 360.
  • Assuming that members can earn 2x a week from the day they became a member with bonus 2x points for sushi, Customer A has 660 points and Customer B has 340 by the end of Jan 2021.



Katie Huang Xiemin
Analytics Vidhya

Self-taught Data Analyst | SQL Enthusiast | GitHub @katiehuangx