A/B Testing for Data Science

Anjali Tiwari
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
8 min readNov 19, 2019


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Let me tell you a story!

I visited a website say online antique and collectible store to buy some products. I loved the website and thought of buying some more products. So, again I looked at it but this time they made few variations on their website. I slightly felt disconnected from the website and hence they lost a valued customer that’s me.

The user experience is the main aspect to achieve high-end targets (such as buying a product) in an online world. There are times when a user does not like a change on the website and as a result, does not wish to land on the target page (for example not opting for a subscription).

“You create the system your visitor must navigate. People don’t cause defects, systems do.” — W. Edwards Deming

If this change leads to less traffic would it be even worth making such a change? I think the answer is a BIG NO.

Photo by Claudia on Unsplash

What are these variations?

  1. Let’s say the Start now button is of a different colour or maybe its position is changed.
  2. Another change could be adding a paywall in a…



Anjali Tiwari
Analytics Vidhya

Data Enthusiast | NLP Researcher | Writer | WiDS Ambassador | Neo4j Certified. LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2OjR1KR.