A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating Large Language Models

Akash Rawat
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2024
Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” — Peter Drucker

In today’s fast-paced world, Language Model Models (LLMs) are being released at an unprecedented rate, making it crucial to assess their performance accurately. LLM benchmarks and metrics serve as vital tools, providing a standardized framework for evaluating these models across different tasks. However, understanding when and how to use these benchmarks and metrics is equally important, yet often overlooked by developers. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of LLM evaluation, offering insights into effective assessment methodologies.

Understanding LLM Evaluation: Benchmarks, Metrics, and Assessments

LLMs have revolutionized various aspects of technology, enabling tasks such as personal recommendations, data translation, and information summarization. As their applications expand, the need to measure their performance becomes increasingly significant. Traditional evaluation methods like user feedback are often limited, highlighting the importance of LLM-assisted evaluation. This structured approach involves two main categories: macro evaluations, which assess overall performance across tasks, and system evaluations, focusing on specific components controlled by AI engineers.

To standardize the assessment process, LLM benchmarks such as MMLU, HellaSwag, and DROP have been developed. These benchmarks comprise standardized tests measuring LLM performance across different skills, utilizing specific metrics to quantify abilities like reasoning and comprehension. Additionally, LLM evaluation metrics such as answer correctness, semantic similarity, and hallucination play a crucial role in assessing LLM output based on predefined criteria, ensuring that LLM applications are evaluated based on their intended tasks and functionalities

LLM Evaluation Methods

Leveraging LLMs to Assess LLM Performance

At the heart of evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) lies the intriguing concept of AI evaluating AI, often referred to as AI-assisted evaluation. While this may initially seem like a paradoxical loop, it mirrors a long-standing practice in human intelligence, where individuals often assess their own capabilities, be it during job interviews or academic examinations. The advent of advanced AI systems now enables similar self-assessment capabilities within the realm of artificial intelligence.

An emerging trend in LLM evaluation involves the use of cutting-edge models, such as GPT-4, to assess not only their own performance but also that of other LLMs. This approach is gaining traction due to the heightened accuracy and sophistication of these state-of-the-art models. Among the tools facilitating this trend are DeepEval and Prometheus, which harness the capabilities of top-tier LLMs for evaluation purposes.

One notable framework in this domain is G-Eval, introduced in a paper titled “NLG Evaluation using GPT-4 with Better Human Alignment.” G-Eval employs LLMs to evaluate LLM outputs, a process that involves generating evaluation steps through a series of chain of thoughts (CoTs). These steps are then utilized to derive a final score using a form-filling paradigm, where various aspects of the LLM output are assessed against predefined criteria. For instance, evaluating coherence in an LLM output would entail constructing a prompt that defines the criteria and text to be evaluated, before soliciting a score from the LLM based on these criteria.

In parallel, Prometheus, an open-source LLM, offers a similar approach to LLM evaluation but with distinct differences. Unlike G-Eval, which relies on frameworks built atop existing LLMs like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, Prometheus is an LLM fine-tuned specifically for evaluation purposes. Additionally, while G-Eval generates score rubrics and evaluation steps using CoTs, Prometheus requires these elements to be provided in the prompt itself. Moreover, Prometheus mandates reference or example evaluation results, enhancing its accuracy and reliability in assessing LLM outputs.

Although both G-Eval and Prometheus present compelling methodologies for LLM evaluation, their suitability depends on various factors such as model availability and evaluation requirements. While G-Eval offers a versatile framework leveraging established LLMs, Prometheus provides a tailored approach with its fine-tuned evaluation capabilities. Ultimately, the choice between these approaches hinges on the specific needs and preferences of researchers and practitioners in the field of LLM evaluation.

Assessing LLMs without LLMs

When it comes to evaluating LLM outputs without directly using LLMs themselves, a useful approach involves leveraging other machine learning models derived from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). These models offer a means to assess outputs across a range of metrics, including factual correctness, relevancy, biasness, and helpfulness, among others. Even in scenarios with non-deterministic outputs, these models provide valuable insights into the performance of LLM-generated content.

For example, Natural Language Inference (NLI) models serve as a valuable tool for evaluating the factual correctness of responses based on provided context. By utilizing entailment scores, these models can gauge the degree of factual accuracy within LLM outputs. Relevancy, another crucial aspect of evaluation, can be assessed using cross-encoder models, which only require input-output pairs to determine the relevance between them.

Metrics such as relevancy, summarization quality, bias detection, toxicity assessment, coherence, and helpfulness can be computed either with or without references. Reference-less metrics are particularly useful for assessing aspects like relevancy, summarization, bias, toxicity, helpfulness, and coherence, providing valuable insights into the quality of LLM-generated content.

On the other hand, reference-based metrics offer a more nuanced evaluation by comparing LLM outputs directly against predefined references or ground truths. An illustrative example of a reference-based metric is BERTScore, which evaluates the quality of text summarization by measuring the similarity between the summary and the original text. BERTScore addresses common shortcomings of n-gram-based metrics by leveraging contextualized token embeddings, resulting in more accurate and meaningful similarity measurements.

Overall, these evaluation methods provide a comprehensive framework for assessing LLM-generated content, enabling researchers and practitioners to gain valuable insights into the performance and capabilities of these language models across various tasks and domains.

In the realm of Language Model Models (LLMs), effective evaluation methods are crucial for ensuring their reliability and usefulness. By utilizing benchmarks, metrics, and advanced evaluation frameworks, along with machine learning models from Natural Language Processing (NLP), we can gain valuable insights into LLM performance. Continuous refinement and adaptation of evaluation approaches will be key in harnessing the full potential of LLMs for real-world applications. In essence, robust evaluation leads to better understanding and utilization of LLMs, driving innovation and progress in natural language processing.



Akash Rawat
Analytics Vidhya

AI Evangelist and Researcher. Curiosity is the fuel that drives innovation.