A primer for…Random Forests

Chapter 1

Isaac Asamoah
Analytics Vidhya
5 min readFeb 16, 2021


That’s random. Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash

This is the first in (what I’m, hoping will be) a series of primers to help get you started with important data science concepts and methods. I find when I’m learning new things, reading about the method and then attempting to replicate it on my own is my best approach.

I don’t know what the best approach is for you, but let’s give this a try and you will be one step closer to figuring that out. And, you might learn something about recursion, which is super fun!

Getting Started

The goal of this guide is introduce, or re-introduce you to the basics of a random forest. To get the most out of this guide you should have a basic understanding of data analysis, statistics and programming in python. You won’t find many formulas or formal algorithm definitions. I hope you will find a simple intuitive understanding of what a random forest is, how it works, why it works and how to build one in python. I also will provide some links to further reading for those interested in digging deeper.

We’re going to start with a 30 second summary of what a random forest is, then break that down into the basic building blocks. Once we are familiar with the building blocks we will explore each of them in a little more detail. Finally we will put everything we’ve learned together by implementing the random forest algorithm in python. Ready? Let’s dive in!

30 Second summary

A random forest is made up of decision trees. A decision tree involves segmenting the predictor space into simple regions. In order to make a prediction for a given observation, we take the mean (for regression), or the mode (for classification), of the training observations in the region to which it belongs¹.

The set of rules used to define each region can be summarised as a tree, hence the name. A random forest grows many such trees and takes the mean or mode of predictions across the trees to achieve improved predictive performance compared to a single decision tree.

If this doesn’t make sense yet, don’t worry about it, it will make sense as we step through it in more detail in the following sections. We are going to grow a random forest for regression today, but the principles we will learn apply to classification as well. The only differences are terminal node calculations and cost function selection.

Building blocks

Determining the size of the forest: Alright, we know a random forest is made up of decision trees, and we have a rough idea what a decision tree is. How many trees are in the forest? The number of trees is determined by the user. Selecting the number of decision trees is important and often comes down to a simple cost-benefit equation: the cost of calculating more trees vs the possible benefit of increased performance.

Bagging: To create multiple decision trees from the same training data, we apply bagging. Bagging is a common process in machine learning and is not limited to tree based methods. Essentially bagging is building multiple models, each based on a random sample of the training data. Pretty simple right?

Bootstrapping: To generate these samples, bootstrapping is used. To understand bootstrapping, imagine you have a toy data set:

Our toy data.

To bootstrap this toy data, you first need to randomly select one row. The row selected is our first observation sampled from toy_data. Next you sample another row, noting that the row you sampled first remains in the pool of possible rows to be selected. Repeat this process until you have the number of observations you would like. Now you have a bootstrapped sample!

When growing a random forest, the number of rows selected through bootstrapping will generally be equal to the number of rows in the training data. The number of bootstrapped samples you need is equal to the number of decision trees you need to grow.

To sum up — bootstrapping is simply sampling with replacement from the training data. The number of rows in each sample is the number of rows in the training data and the number of samples is the number of trees required for your forest. Easy.

Let’s see it in practice.

Our bootstrapped sample.

You can see I’ve used pandas.DataFrame.sample with replacement = True That’s all there is to it.

The random part: So we have a number of decision trees, grown based on bootstrapped samples of our training data. Do we have a random forest yet? Not quite. We need to address the random part of the random forest!

In each stage of growing a normal decision tree, all predictors are considered to determine the best next step in the tree. In a random forest tree, a random sample of possible predictors is taken before the each decision step is assessed. This limits which predictors can be chosen for each step. Why is this important?

Imagine three trees grown with this modified process, compared to three trees grown with the standard process. The three random forest trees will most likely be less similar to each other, because they have each been forced to consider a randomly selected set of predictors. Each random forest tree is more likely to consider predictors other trees have ignored.

Compare this with the standard process — these trees will probably be quite similar to each other. They have all considered the same set of predictors at each stage, the only difference is the bootstrapped sample they received as training input.The result of the random forest tree process is reduced correlation among the trees.

A prediction in a random forest is simply a summary of the predictions from the decision trees in the forest. The goal of summarising over many trees is to reduce variance right? Summarising over a set of less correlated trees will reduce variance even more. Take home?

A random forest will generally perform better on unseen test data than a single decision tree or a bagged set of decision trees.

Now that we have an understanding of the basic building blocks, We’re ready to tackle chapter two — growing a decision tree! Coming soon…:-)



Isaac Asamoah
Analytics Vidhya

Data science, being a person and pop culture t-shirts.