A Simple & Practical Introduction To Essential Techniques Of Feature Reduction

Mohan Akotkar
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
10 min readNov 1, 2019

In the Machine learning Model, the basic objective is to create a model which is simple, may be less accurate but provide faster result. The complex model tends to overfit resulting in better in-sample error but high out-of-sample error. Feature engineering, feature selection, feature reduction & feature extraction technique helps to create a simple yet powerful model which is trained on an optimal number of feature and is quicker in making predictions.

Why Feature Reduction?

Feature reduction plays a critical role in machine learning pipeline and addresses the following problems:

  • Multi-collinearity:- In Multi-collinearity, the independent variables are correlated with each other and the basic approach to predict the dependent or target variable is to have the feature which is correlated with the target variable and uncorrelated with each other. All the independent variable should carry some additional information which defines the target variable.
  • Curse of Dimensionality/Overfitting:- When we have a very high no of feature then the target function will become too complex while trying to capture information from all the variables and the derived function may not be the smooth curve. This may lead to the overfitting of the model.
  • Computationally expensive:- Removing less important features not only makes model simple but also reduces the computation time thus saving system resources.
  • Reduces the effectiveness of Machine learning model.

In the high dimensional dataset, Feature reduction techniques help you in:

  • Removing less informative features.
  • It makes computation much more efficient.
  • Make the model simple and less prone to overfitting.

In this blog, we will cover the basic functionality of the following dimensionality reduction technique and its implementation in python.

  • PCA
  • LDA
  • SVD

Principal Component Analysis:

The Feature which has more variance is more informative is the underlying principle of PCA working. PCA is an unsupervised statistical method and is based on the covariance matrix analysis. The covariance matrix defines how one variable is related to another. Using the covariance matrix, eigenvectors & eigenvalues are computed. PCA creates a new dimension or feature such that the maximum variation of the original features is retained. This new dimension is a line that maximizes the variance between features and is called as the Principal Component. The Equation of the PC can be defined as below:

PC1 = beta1 * X1 + beta2 * X2 Where beta1 & beta2 are called as PCA Loadings.

The direction of maximum variation is determined by the eigenvectors and the data points in the eigenvectors are called PCA Loadings whereas the eigenvalue represents the information in terms of variance within original features.

  • The maximum no. of principal components for the dataset will be equal to the no. of available features in the dataset.
  • The array of loadings will have the same dimension as the number of original features i.e the no of rows & columns will be equal to the number of original features.

As defined in the above equation, PC1 i.e 1st component score is the sum of the product of the actual scaled feature data & PCA loadings of 1st eigenvector. Similarly, the PC2 score is the sum of the product of feature data & PCA loadings of 2nd eigenvector.

For each component, we compute the variance using PCA scores and the computed variance is also called as the Eigen Value of Principal Component.

Explained_variance_ratio is the ratio of the eigenvalue of each component with the sum of eigenvalues of all components.

**Image Source: Machine Learning Lectures by Prof. Andrew NG at Stanford University**
  • As shown in the above image, the data points from the 2D graph are mapped onto a 1D axis such that the maximum variance is attained with the least error.
  • Here the error is the sum of squares of perpendicular distances of the points to the axis.
  • Similarly, in the case of 3D to 2D, points are mapped on a plane.

I recommend going through this good article by Farhad Malik for more detailed mathematics on eigenvector & eigenvalues.

About the Dataset:

We will be using a built-in iris dataset which can be loaded through Sklearn API. IRIS Dataset contains the data of 3 classes of iris plant.

Now let's import the required libraries and load the dataset. In the given dataset, we have 4 independent features.

We will first scale the dataset using StandardScaler API to bring all the variables on the same scale and then we will apply PCA on the scaled data.

#Importing libraries
import pandas as pd # Pandas library to create dataframe
import warnings # To ignore depreciation warning
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # Standard Scaling Library
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # From Sklearn.decompostion API import PCA
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris # Loading dataset from sklearn.dataset API
# Magic Function to display plot in code cell
%matplotlib inline
#loading dataset
iris = load_iris() # loading dataset in iris variable
X = pd.DataFrame(iris.data) # Create DataFrame
X.columns = ['sepal_len', 'sepal_wid', 'petal_len', 'petal_wid'] # Naming column headers
y = iris.target # Loading Dependent or target variable
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # sklearn API to create random train test subsets
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=0) # Test_size-0.2 will give create
#subset of 80:20 ratio i.e 80% Training Set & 20% Test set
# Scaling the dataset before applying PCA will ensure that the variation from the original components are captured equally.
scaler = StandardScaler() # Creating standard scaler object
X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train) # Scaling train set using fit_transform method
X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test) # Transform test set using the scaler object fitted on train set.
pca = PCA(n_components=4) # Creating pca object with 4 Principal components

Points to Remember:

  • explained_variance_ratio is used to determine the number of principal components that sufficiently provides the information contained in the original feature.
  • In the above example, >90% of feature variation is explained by the first 2 principal components so the rest of the 2 principal components can be dropped.
  • n_components: This parameter can be used to restrict the no. of principal components.
  • For example: In the case of 1000’s of features, using n_components parameter we can restrict the no. of features to optimum values by using explained_variance_ratio_ values.
  • Also, PCA doesn’t work well on high dimensional sparse matrix due to computational constraints resulting in a memory error issue. In such cases, TruncatedSVD can be used.

Another variant of PCA is also available, KPCA i.e KernelPCA where kernel parameter is passed as an argument. The most used kernel is “RBF” which maps the original feature to Non-linear function as opposed to PCA which is a linear transformation.

Linear Discriminant Analysis:

As the name suggests, LDA is a supervised linear transformation technique. While mapping the high dimensional feature to the lower dimension, it tries to preserve as much discriminatory power as possible for the dependent variable. Both PCA & LDA are linear technique but PCA doesn’t take class labels into consideration as oppose to LDA which is based on the approach to maximize the separation between the different classes.

To start with, let's take binary class problem.

  • Create a new axis and project the data onto the axis in a way to maximize the separation between the two classes.
  • Compute the mean & variance of both the classes using the newly plotted data points.
  • Now to maximize the separation between 2 classes :
  • The mean of both classes should be as far as possible i.e the difference between the mean should be maximum.
  • The sum of the variance of both the classes should be as low as possible i.e lower the value of the sum of variance, more compact the data point of each class are & more separation between the class as well. LDA calls this minimization of variance as scatter.
  • The newly created axis is called Linear Discriminant and is the best fit line which maximizes the distance between the mean & minimizes the scatter.

In case of Multiclass problem, assuming 3 class problem

  • LDA will create two axes which separate the 3 classes.
  • Here it will start with selecting the centroid point for each class.
  • LDA will compute the eigenvalues & eigenvectors for the new plane or axis.
  • eigen vectors will define the directionality of the axis and eigenvalues define the magnitude of the information it carries about the distribution of original data. Lower the values, least information it carries.
  • It tries to optimize the linear equation which maximizes the distance between the mean and minimizes the scatter.

Points to Remember:

  • As LDA takes the dependent variable into consideration, it may give biased results if the data is not normally distributed.
  • In LDA, feature scaling does not affect the result of an LDA. So feature scaling is optional.
# lets start with importing the required libraries
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
lda = LDA(n_components=2)
X_new = lda.fit_transform(X_train,y_train)


  • Here even the single linear discriminant is explaining >95% of the variance.

Let's see LDA Vs PCA

#Plotting PCA Plot & LDA Plot
lda_plot = pd.DataFrame(X_new)
lda_plot[2] = y_train # Adding label column in lda_plot dataframe
plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) # Defining figure size
plt.subplot(1,2,1) # Initiating 1st Plot
plt.scatter(lda_plot[0],lda_plot[1],c=lda_plot[2]) # Plotting scatter plot for LD1 vs LD2
plt.title('Linear Discriminant Analysis')
pca_plot = pd.DataFrame(pca_mod[:,:2])
pca_plot[2] = y_train
plt.subplot(1,2,2)# Initiating 2nd Plot
plt.scatter(pca_plot[0],pca_plot[1],c=pca_plot[2]) # Plotting scatter plot for PC1 vs PC2
plt.title('Principal Component Analysis')
  • In PCA Plot, Principal components are defined along the axis with the most variance.
  • In LDA Plot, Linear Discriminant is defined along the axis to account for the most between-class variance.LD1 is sufficiently describing the maximum between-class variance.

Singular Value Decomposition:

Wikipedia Defines SVD as the linear algebraic factorization method of a real or complex matrix. To us its a yet another method that helps to reduce or decompose the high dimensional matrix. And this property of SVD is useful in a wide variety of applications in signal processing, image compression, image recovery, eigenfaces, etc.

Let's see how does SVD achieves it?

  • SVD decomposes High-Rank A matrix into 3 matrices: U, Σ & V where
  • U & V Vector is an orthonormal vector.
  • Σ Vector is a diagonal matrix of singular values.
  • It is presented below:

Computing SVD

  • To Compute SVD, we need to compute the eigenvalues & eigenvectors of Product of Matrix A with its transpose and Product of A Transpose Matrix with Matrix A as follows.
  • As derived below:
  • Vector U can be represented by the eigenvectors of Product of Matrix A with its transpose.
  • Vector V can be represented by the eigenvectors of Product of A Transpose Matrix with Matrix A.

Ref: Lecture by Nando de Freitas

  • The computed Non-zero singular values of A are the +ve square root of non-zero eigenvalues.
  • The diagonal values of Σ represent the variance retained and are always in descending order. (Similar concept as discussed in PCA).
  • Coming back to Dimensionality Reduction, we can use these values to reduce the dimensionality by considering only the values which explain the maximum variance and by truncating the rest.

Lets Code it in Python.

We will perform Dimensionality Reduction using TruncatedSVD API on the same IRIS Dataset.

from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD # Importing TruncatedSVD API from sklearn library
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=3) # Defining TruncatedSVD Object
svd.fit_transform(X_train_scaled); # Calling fit_transform method on X_train_scaled Dataset
  • In TruncatedSVD API, we can pass the n_components parameter which should be always less than the number of independent features. (In the above case, No of features are 4 so n_components should be less than or equal to 3)
  • To decide the n_components parameter value, we can use the scree plot and decide the no. of components that explain the maximum variance.
  • TruncatedSVD works efficiently on Sparse Matrix as opposed to PCA. Refer sklearn documentation for the detailed explanation.
  • Apart from TruncatedSVD, we can use randomized_svd API from sklearn which approximate truncated singular values decomposition using randomization to speed up the computation.

Finally, before concluding, I will touch upon another SVD based dimensionality reduction technique called “LSA”.

  • TruncatedSVD is used in NLP for reducing the TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse document frequency) Matrix.
  • TF-IDF represents the frequency of words in a given document & how rare the words are in the corpus.
  • Latent Semantics analysis further applies cosine similarity on the reduced matrix and the same is used to find similar documents based on its value (Closer the value to 1 represents higher similarity).



Mohan Akotkar
Analytics Vidhya

Data Science, ML & DL enthusiast| RF Engineer — LTE, UMTS| Working in Network Automation @ Jio | LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohanakotkar