Akira’s Machine Learning news — #21

Akihiro FUJII
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
6 min readJul 9, 2021

Summary for Week 26, 2021 (June 27~)

Featured Paper/News in This Week.

Machine Learning in the Real World


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In the following sections, I will introduce various articles and papers not only on the above contents but also on the following five topics.

  1. Featured Paper/News in This Week
  2. Machine Learning Use Case
  3. Papers
  4. Articles related to machine learning technology
  5. Other Topics

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1. Featured Paper/News in This Week

Winning tickets in pre-training are transferablearxiv.org

[2012.06908] The Lottery Tickets Hypothesis for Supervised and Self-supervised Pre-training in Computer Vision Models
A study examining the effectiveness of Winning Ticket (a small useful subnetwork dominant in accuracy in large networks in the lottery ticket hypothesis) of pre-training on the transfer learning performance. The results show that Winning Ticket is present regardless of whether pre-training is supervised or unsupervised.

Zero-Shot Instance Segmentationarxiv.org

[2104.06601] Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation
They propose a task of zero-shot instance segmentation, which performs segmentation of a new class with zero-shots (no parameter updates during inference). They believe that the background representation is the key, so they use the rich background representation vector to learn the mask and the zero-shot detection head representation.

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2. Machine Learning Use case

Visualizing Model Biasessiliconangle.com

The biases of machine learning models have received a lot of attention lately, but they are very difficult to remove; Fiddler Labs provides a way to centralize this information and provides tools for continuous monitoring.

Amazon Opens Store That Lets You Pay Without Going Through a Cash Registersiliconangle.com

Amazon has opened a store that uses machine learning and a number of sensors to allow customers to buy fresh food without going through a cash register, allowing them to make a payment by simply holding up their hand for one second.

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3. Papers

Knowledge distillation that allows knowledge to be transferred between different stagesarxiv.org

[2104.09044] Distilling Knowledge via Knowledge Review
In previous studies, knowledge distillation was based on the comparison of information from the same stage between student and teacher models. In this study, they propose a “knowledge review” approach to knowledge distillation that takes into account information from different stages. The distillation effect was greatly improved.

Use Transformer to classify fine grained actionsarxiv.org

[2104.09496] Temporal Query Networks for Fine-grained Video Understanding
They propose a transformer-based model TQN for fine-grained action detection that classifies fine-grained actions in videos, using a DETR-like query strategy to identify each action. They achieved SotA performance on three fine-grained action detection datasets.

A data-free quantization method using adversarial learningarxiv.org

[2103.15263] Zero-shot Adversarial Quantization
When quantizing a model, it is usually necessary to use training data to adjust the quantized model, but they propose ZAQ, a quantization method that does not require data using an adversarial learning framework. It learns by bringing the output, including the intermediate layers, closer together in a high-precision model and a quantized model using the generated data.

Allowing individual losses to be optimized in style transformationsarxiv.org

[2104.10064] Style-Aware Normalized Loss for Improving Arbitrary Style Transfer
Identified that the loss of individual data was being averaged and updated in batches, which was having a negative effect on the style conversion. They avoided the problem by normalizing using an upper bound on the losses. They applied this to various methods to see the effect.

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4. Articles related to machine learning technology

Explanatory article on score-based generative modelsyang-song.github.io

While describing the differences between the likelihood-based generative model and the score-based model, this article explains how the score function can be inaccurate in areas where there is no data, and how to overcome this.

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5. Other Topics

Repository of U²-Netgithub.com

The U²-Net repository. Various pre-trained models are provided, and segmentation can be done immediately.

