Akira’s Machine Learning news — #24

Akihiro FUJII
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
7 min readAug 19, 2021

Week 31, 2021 (Aug 8~)

Featured Paper/News in This Week.

Machine Learning in the Real World


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In the following sections, I will introduce various articles and papers not only on the above contents but also on the following five topics.

  1. Featured Paper/News in This Week
  2. Machine Learning Use Case
  3. Papers
  4. Articles related to machine learning technology
  5. Other Topics

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1. Featured Paper/News in This Week

Crowd Counting Dataset with Synthetic Dataopenaccess.thecvf.com

[Cross-View Cross-Scene Multi-View Crowd Counting]
A crowd counting task with various multiple camera configurations (CVCS) is proposed. Since annotation is very costly in such a problem setting, they proposed a CVCS dataset with synthetic data. By Fine-Tuning with unsupervised domain adaptation, they proved that it can be applied to real-world data.

AI tools were Useless in the Fight Against Covid-19www.technologyreview.com

An article reporting that not all of the 415 AI tools developed for Covid-19 were at the level of clinical applicability. Many had poor data quality or problems with leakage (where training and evaluation data contain the same data, so performance appears better than it really is).

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2. Machine Learning Use case

The Threat from Offensive AIventurebeat.com

An article discussing what could be caused by offensive AI. It points out that attackers may use Deep Fake for phishing scams and reverse engineering to steal algorithms, but there has been no investment in defending against them.

Physics Simulation and Machine Learningspectrum.ieee.org

Physics simulations are powerful, but they require a very large amount of computation when trying to calculate huge atomic models. If you use machine learning to approximate the simulation, you may be able to calculate very large systems because the computation time increases only linearly even if the number of atoms increases exponentially.

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3. Papers

Explicitly incorporate the person-context-person triad into the modelarxiv.org

[2006.07976] Actor-Context-Actor Relation Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
They proposed ACAR-Net, which explicitly incorporates the person-context-person triad into the model for action recognition, because it is often impossible to infer a person’s behavior from a person-context pair alone. In the AVA-Kinetics of the ActivityNet Challenge 2020, ACAR-Net won the first place, significantly outperforming other methods.

An ensemble technique that uses masks to manipulate joins.arxiv.org

[2012.08334] Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation
Ensemble is used to calculate uncertainty, but it is expensive. They proposed a method of ensembling by pseudo-manipulating the model coupling using masks, and confirmed its effectiveness on ImageNet and CIFAR-10.

Using contrastive learning to obtain category-level alignmentopenaccess.thecvf.com

[Partially View-aligned Representation Learning with Noise-robust Contrastive Loss]
In MvRL (Multi-view representation learning), which is a task to obtain useful representations for clustering and classification from multi-view/multimodal, there is a problem that only a part of the data is aligned. Therefore, they proposed MvCLN, which uses contrast learning, and proposed a method to align at the category level.

Use contrastive learning to find mislabeling.arxiv.org

[2103.13029] Jo-SRC: A Contrastive Approach for Combating Noisy Labels
Conventional methods for noisy-label problem ignores the proportion of noise that varies from one mini-batch to another. For this reason, they proposed Jo-SRC, which uses contrast learning to label each data as Clean, in-distribution, or out-of-distribution, and uses only Clean to train. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method in a variety of settings.

Explicitly incorporating resistance to adversarial attacks into the NAS

[2012.06122] DSRNA: Differentiable Search of Robust Neural Architectures
A study of explicitly incorporating resistance to adversarial attacks into the NAS. Exploring robust architectures by minimizing not only loss in validation data, but also a combination of differentiable metrics that measure robustness to adversarial attacks.

Letting the model take into account the ambiguity of labels in facial expression recognitionarxiv.org

[2104.00232] Dive into Ambiguity: Latent Distribution Mining and Pairwise Uncertainty Estimation for Facial Expression Recognition
Facial expression recognition has ambiguity because it is subjectively annotated. They propose a method learning ambiguity to avoid costly inference by constraining the network to classify C-1 classes in the same way as the combined network of C branches during training. Gaining SotA performance in AffectNet.

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4. Articles related to machine learning technology

MIT Deep Learning Lectureswww.youtube.com

[MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning]
A list of videos on deep learning at MIT, covering not only the basics of CNN, RNN, reinforcement learning, generative models, etc., but also fairness, current topics, and limitations of deep learning.

Explanatory article on MDETR

An article on MDETR, which combines language learning and DETR. By performing multimodal learning combining languages, it is possible to detect categories that do not exist in the training data, such as “pink elephants”.

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5. Other Topics

Templates for projects that combine Hydra and Pytorch-lightninggithub.com

A repository of project templates that combine Hydra that simplifies the control of experiments by parameters and Pytorch lightning, a wrapper for Pytorch . Unnecessary functions can be easily removed from the pipeline and reconfigured.

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About Me

Manufacturing Engineer/Machine Learning Engineer/Data Scientist / Master of Science in Physics / http://github.com/AkiraTOSEI/

Twitter, I post one-sentence paper commentary.

