An Example Django Project in Containers

Zhao Li
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2019



You want to see an example of a Django project that runs inside containers.


This tutorial goes through one example Django project that runs inside containers.

Front Matter

The code for this example containerized Django application can be found here:

This article will explain the code that:

  1. Bootstraps the application
  2. Starts up the application
  3. Listens for your browser request
  4. Fetches a List of Greetings
  5. Creates a New Greeting
  6. Updates a Greeting
  7. Deletes a Greeting
  8. Seeds the initial data
  9. Runs a task to administer the application
  10. Tests the application
  11. Documents the Greetings Resource
  12. Lints the application

If you want to see the steps taken to create this Django application (rather than going through the end state of the application code), then you might want to read through this article:

