Ansible + Python = Automated RPM

Dan H
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
8 min readJan 28, 2020


Ansible + Python + RPM

Preface / Disclaimer

The following is the result of project driven by need rather than design, therefore treat this more of a programmatic brain dump than a tutorial! (even though it does work!).

What You Will Need

For this to work you will need the following:

ansible, an rpmbuildbuilding environment (Check out my article on how to set this up.) , A unix machine.

note: I used a local and a remote machine for this, the local was my ansible machine & the remote had my rpm build env.

The Playbook

- name: Create an RPM Package from a download link
- name: download zip to get contents
url: "{{ url }}"
dest: /home/builder/
- name: grab contents of package
shell: 'unzip -l /home/builder/*.zip > /home/builder/content.txt'
- name: strip file of unwanted lines
shell: awk '/{{ package }}\//' /home/builder/content.txt > /home/builder/cut_content.txt
- name: strip file of unwanted lines
become: yes
shell: ed "/home/builder/cut_content.txt" <<<$'1d\nwq\n'
- name: remove all before package name
shell: "sed 's/.*{{…



Dan H
Analytics Vidhya

I write about my discoveries in DevOps, System Engineering and Management. Currently exploring my passions.