Azure’s AutoML: A Quick Look

Walkthrough of Azure’s Automated Machine Learning: New Visual Builders with traditional Py Notebook and API approach.

Doug Foo
Analytics Vidhya


Hail the AutoML and no code movement…

AutoML is a relatively new thing (2–3yrs) — all the major vendors have an offering — for some like Data Robot it is their main thing. Azure has been taunting me to try this out (with its banner ads) .. so I answered the call. AutoML features:

  • With one click, auto-design, train, score your experiment
  • Most have auto-feature selection and feature engineering
  • Most will tune hyper-params like step size, iterations, tree depth etc
  • Most will run thru a dozen+ models at once and score & rank them (something Doug Foo has been doing manually)

None of this is magic, it is mostly brute force — they run it on their clusters in parallel — doing a lot of iterative work we humans were doing before.

Walkthrough of Visual AutoML

First create a Azure ML Workspace, then jump into this thing that looks like an advertising banner (Behold — the Azure ML Studio — or whatever its called since the names keep changing)

