Build a basic UI for uploading data to S3 using AWS Amplify

Anand Prakash
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
14 min readMay 30, 2021


AWS Amplify

Disclaimer: I am not a web developer and I do not have knowledge of JavaScript. The code snippet is mostly taken from different sources and tweaked for my specific use case. :)

I was looking for a way to enable a user to upload bunch of small size (< 10 MB) csv files to a specific S3 bucket. Exploring the ways I came across AWS Amplify service and I felt AWS Amplify makes it easy to deploy a full-stack web app for someone like me who does not have much knowledge of web app development. Though in the end I created limited console access for the user and taught how to use aws console to upload the data to s3 bucket.

This blog is mostly an attempt by me to show how I experimented and created a Web-UI using AWS Amplify Framework.

So follow along the steps and build a very basic UI for uploading data to S3 using AWS Amplify -

1. Create a AWS Cloud 9 IDE environment -

  • AWS Console > AWS Cloud9 > Environments > Create Environment
  • Enter Environment Name and description
  • Choose the environment type — Creates a new EC2 instance for environment (direct access)
  • Choose Instance type — m5.large (8 GiB RAM + 2 vCPU)



Anand Prakash
Analytics Vidhya

Avid learner of technology solutions around Machine Learning, Big-Data, Databases. 5x AWS Certified | 5x Oracle Certified.