Build Your Own Encryption Software in Python — Part 2 Tutorial Tkinter

In Part 1, we built the logic to encrypt and decrypt messages, but imagine having a nice interface… Let me show you how

Maxime Godfroid
Analytics Vidhya


Photo by Halacious on Unsplash


In the previous part — see link below — we created the logic to encrypt and decrypt messages. Yet, it felt a bit rough and lonely. It all happened within our IDE. But it does not need to be that way. By wrapping up our code with a nice interface, it will make our piece of software more interactive and user friendly. We worked on the back-end, now let’s see how we can do some magic on the front-end.

In case you’ve missed Part 1, see the link below, but don’t forget to come back to Part 2:

Enters GUI

Graphical User Interface, or commonly known as GUI, is the front-end. This is what users interact with. It can be pretty, or ugly, clunky or smooth, minimalist or heavy.



Maxime Godfroid
Analytics Vidhya

Data Scientist Lead | Runner by day | Podcaster by night | Also a tech & sports enthusiast | Subscribe to get all my stories | Twitter @max_godfroid